Using Human-Centered Design to Get Started on Participatory Evaluation Approaches


Sobre o evento

Participatory evaluation design is an approach that aims to decolonize measurement by putting the communities involved in projects at the center of measuring success. But how do you get started, especially in multiple country or cultural contexts? We will take you through our process using a human-centered design lens to understand the current role of participatory evaluation in the wider sector, how it could align with organizational goals, figure out what about it excites and scares our staff, and leverage resources to pursue implementation options beyond a toolkit.


Nome Título Biography
Dr. Jennifer Roglà Director of Research and Evidence Jennifer Roglà, Ph.D., is the Director of Research and Evidence at iDE Global, and leads the implementation of gender, social inclusion, and decolonizing initiatives within the organization’s measurement activities in collaboration with her colleagues.
Elise Mann Senior Manager for WASH Innovation & Performance Elise Mann is the Senior Manager for WASH Innovation & Performance at iDE Global, and co-chairs the internal decolonizing development committee with a group of colleagues based around the world.
Henok Begashaw Evidence & Analytics Systems Manager Henok Begashaw is the Evidence & Analytics Systems Manager at iDE Global, and supports a portfolio of countries on monitoring and evaluation planning and implementation with a focus on market systems development approaches. Additionally, he assists teams in building and maintaining their MIS.

Tópicos e Temas

NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators NA-Food Security & Nutrition Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero Pobreza NA-Social Justice NA-Water & Sanitation Alterações Climáticas Juventude em Avaliação

Event Details
