Harnessing the Power of Data Visualization and Innovation Communications Tools for Learning

Demonstração | Híbrido

Sobre o evento

Development and humanitarian assistance are increasingly complex and dynamic, with evolving needs and contexts that require rapid and effective responses. Effective assistance relies on the ability of organizations to learn from past experiences, adapt to changing circumstances, and continuously improve their practices. To do so, organizations have been increasingly exploring ways to capture, share, and utilize knowledge and expertise within organizations to inform decision-making and improve program outcomes.

This panel will explore the ways in which data visualization and communication tools can enhance organizational learning, with a focus on the following topics:

* The role of data visualization in making complex data accessible and actionable
* Strategies for using communication tools to effectively convey insights and drive action
* Examples of successful organizational learning initiatives that have utilized these tools
* The challenges and opportunities of implementing data visualization and communication tools in different organizational contexts
* Best practices for selecting and utilizing data visualization and communication tools for organizational learning

Participants will hear from experts in the field as well as practitioners who have successfully leveraged these tools to drive organizational learning within their own organizations.


Nome Título Biography
Yanikk Lewis Managing Partner Yanikk is a knowledge management, MEL and research consultant with over 11 years of experience supporting research, monitoring and evaluation, and organizational learning across the private and public sectors. He is a partner and director at Abc Advisory Company, where he focuses on the analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of insights. Prior to Abc Advisory, Yanikk served as the Head of Research and Insights at IN2, a strategic communications company that supports positive social and behavioral change in communities at risk of, experiencing, or emerging from crisis. He has also served in several senior MEL, research, and communications roles supporting clients such as the Bloomberg Global Business Forum, the US Institute of Peace (USIP), UNICEF, USAID/OTI, the World Economic Forum, Chemonics International, The British Council, and the MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth.

Tópicos e Temas

Usuários de avaliação Decisores Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Fragilidade, Conflito e Violência M&A para públicos não tradicionais

Event Details
