Enabling a transformative approach to evaluation: unpacking our roles within the evaluation ecosystem

Seminário | Online
  • Organizado por:
    KnowBetter Exchange

Sobre o evento

This is an interactive session aimed at exploring our roles in the evaluation ecosystem and the ways in which each of us can enable a more transformative approach to evaluation. This session is open to all actors within the evaluation ecosystem - donors/commissioners of evaluations, NGO/public/private sector employees, past/present/future beneficiaries of development projects, students and researchers etc! The session will begin with a brief intro to the principles to Made in Africa Evaluation, as one potential approach to transformative evaluation. Thereafter, participants will go into breakout rooms to discuss their roles in the ecosystem. A case study will then be presented to unpack the experiences and learnings of an evaluator practicing a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning approach. We will close by hearing some participant reflections. The session uses Made in Africa Evaluation (MAE) and a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) as frameworks for a transformative learning approach to evaluation.


Nome Título Biography
Amy Bosworth Miss A creative academic using my knowledge, skills and values in different contexts within the field of Sustainable Development. Most of my experience has been in the realm of research and development, higher education and facilitation as well as monitoring, evaluation and learning. The environments where I have gained all my experience have been based on enabling human agency, social innovation and facilitating belief in self towards values-driven transformative justice. My best friend, Amy Murgatroyd and I started a social business in 2020, The KnowBetter Exchange. At first, this was about facilitating a network of support for small-scale ethical food businesses. However, since COVID, our work has pivoted to providing research and development and monitoring, evaluation and learning services to our own clients while working towards the values and purpose of The KnowBetter Exchange. South African nationality but currently living in Wellington, New Zealand.
Amy Murgatroyd Miss I am currently pursuing my masters degree, investigating how African belief systems can shape evaluative practice in a way that leads to a greater positive impact for all stakeholders. I hold a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics and Social Development, as well as a Post-graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development. In my previous position at UCOOK, I started in the Procurement Department - sourcing produce from a range of local and organic suppliers. I then developed, implemented and managed UCOOK's CSR portfolio, with a special focus on developing emerging farmers in the Cape Flats. In 2021, I became the Director of UCOOK's Khulisa Amafama farmer development programme. This experience motivated me to pursue my MPhil, so that I could contribute to the field of development through an increased understanding of how project beneficiaries experience success and failure, and how evaluative practice can better reflect their lived experiences. I am conducting my research in collaboration with Africa Foundation, and will be based in Zuka Game Reserve in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal. My research is sponsored by the Getty Asterism.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Comissionistas de Avaliação Usuários de avaliação Avaliação culturalmente responsiva Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Redes de Avaliação Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa

Event Details
