Whose Reality Counts? What it takes to navigate and measure community focused impact across diverse platforms of Measurement Evaluation and Learning for more effective solutions

Roundtable | Online

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In the current ecosystem, we have observed that there is an impending need to be more robust in our MEL practices and approaches by involving communities, particularly young people. With newer forms of engagement, it is critical to leverage their voice and participation and build championship by meeting them where they are, with respect to data driven programming that impacts them the most. Further, with the permeation of technology and AI solutions, there exist limited models that have been able to demonstrate the ability of keeping community voices at the fore, while also being scalable and tapping into trends, insights and behaviours of young people’s participation across diverse geographies, contexts & forums (digital and in person). In this fast-growing ecosystem, there is a need to unpack and identify pathways of engagement with communities across platforms- virtual, in person, to develop effective and sustainable metrics of measurement for evidence-based decision-making.

We propose to explore promising initiatives for addressing these gaps in the form of a roundtable discussion that will bring practitioners into this conversation. Through this roundtable, we hope for the participants to take back insights and recommendations on what it takes to design or adapt community-centered MEL approaches wherein they are involved in the process of solutioning for their own needs.


Nome Título Biography
Anusha Chandrasekharan Senior Programme Manager, Praxis Anusha is a journalist by training, with more than a decade's experience in the development sector. She has worked on several research and capacity building assignments that aim to enable community participation in different stages of a development project in contexts including gender and sexuality, disability, child rights and forced labour, working with communities marginalised by sex, gender, occupation, caste, class, religion and ability. Her work has included exploring community-led planning, monitoring and action research across the country.
Erica Arya India Head- Project Tech4Dev What gets measured, gets improved. And what gets repeated, must be automated. Erica strongly believes in these two principles in life. Among the multiple hats she has worn in the last two decades, she has always loved to be a creator who likes designing solutions for the Digital Transformation of Non-Profits, with a deep focus on Cost, Efficiency, Speed, and Quality. Currently, she heads Project Tech4Dev in India, with the mission to transform the way non-profits use technology and data.
Varinder Kaur Gambhir Director of Research- BBC Media Action Varinder holds over 20 years of research experience across India and the UK. She leads research team at BBC Media Action to generate insights and evaluate SBCC interventions. At BBC and prior, she has worked across themes of health, sanitation, gender, financial inclusion, climate change at IFMR LEAD, UNICEF, IPE Global etc. Before leading research and insights across various development organizations, she has worked with market agencies like Kantar and TNS where she worked on strategy and evaluation of CSR initiatives of brands like Unilever, Reliance, Accenture. She is a firm believer in data-driven communication solutions and passionate about using data to bring about social change. She has led research on various successful programmes like Navrangi Re!, Life Navrangi - drama series on TV and Youtube to change people’s knowledge, perceptions and behaviour on sanitation or Malasur which is an outdoor campaign that won the best communication in sanitation award by FICCI. Her team recently won at ESOMAR for their research on a project that is working on social acceptance of waste pickers within Bangalore.
Sourav Saktel Member- 10to19 Youth Advisory Group Sourav is currently pursuing his Bachelors in Social Work from IGNOU. He is the Founder of a youth development organisation in West Bengal called “Engaging Learning Creating”, that focuseson engaging youth to better life outcomes for themselves. In the past, he has worked extensively with children on the issue of child sexual abuse, and engaged with key sector organisations such as such as Samaritan Help Mission, Rashak Foundation, Pravah and Blood Connect. He shares a keen passion for facilitating safe spaces for young people, working with the aim to make a safe and better future to live in.


Nome Título Biography
Aasha Pai Global Health Expert Aasha Pai has over 20 years of experience working for non-profit organizations and social enterprises focusing on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender equity. Her areas of expertise are strategy; organizational development.

Tópicos e Temas

Usuários de avaliação Decisores Governança Avaliação culturalmente responsiva Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero M&A para públicos não tradicionais Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa Juventude em Avaliação

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