Designing Adaptive MEL Frameworks for Systems Change Programs

Painel de Discussão | Online

Sobre o evento

SIAP SIAGA is a five-year program funded by the Australian Government to strengthen Indonesia’s management of disaster risk. The program uses an adaptive management approach to facilitate systems change programming. This has added an additional level of complexity to the design of the program’s MEL framework, given that there were few examples from similar programs to draw on.

This session will discuss the emerging lessons from the process of designing and implementing the program’s adaptive, systems-focused MEL framework, and highlight four key principles that can be replicated and adapted by M&E practitioners working on public policy and community development.


Nome Título Biography
Kangeng Notonegoro SIAP SIAGA Real Time Evaluation Lead Kangeng Pangeran Notonegoro is a disaster risk management and evaluation specialist. He has worked extensively for the United Nations in the Asia Pacific region, and has been leading SIAP SIAGA's external RTE processes to support the program's adaptive management and developmental evaluation approaches.


Nome Título Biography
Denika Blacklock Head, Knowledge Performance and Learning, SIAP SIAGA Denika Blacklock is a development analyst specialising in monitoring and evaluation, working with the SIAP SIAGA program providing advisory support on adaptive MEL framework design and developmental evaluation. She is the author of Learning in Development: Reflections from an Insider on the Outside (2018) and Making M&E Work in Development Programmes: A Practitioner’s Handbook (2019).

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Sociedade civil Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa Políticas Públicas

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