Driving Gender Equality in the Sustainable Development Goals

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Gender equality is a critical component of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable development. Despite some progress in recent years, achieving gender equality in all 17 SDGs remains a significant challenge. A UN Women study suggests that it could take 200-300 years to close the gender gap fully.

The AGDEN proposal aims to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to take practical steps towards advancing gender equality in the SDGs and the AU Agenda 2063. The proposal is for a hybrid event that will bring together four partners - the University of Nairobi, UN Women (ESARO), the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, and the Parliamentary group - to work collaboratively and cooperatively towards advancing gender equality and social equity in the context of the SDGs and the AU Agenda 2063. The event will have both in-person and virtual components, allowing for wider participation of stakeholders.

The University of Nairobi, being the leading academic institution in the region, will facilitate the event's organization and drive the conversation on gender equality and the SDGs by convening a diverse group of stakeholders, including researchers, activists, and policymakers. UN Women (ESARO) is another critical partner in the AGDEN proposal. As the leading UN agency focused on gender equality and the empowerment of women, UN Women brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. By working closely with the university and other partners, UN Women can help to ensure that gender equality is integrated into all aspects of the SDGs.

The Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate is responsible for tracking progress on the SDGs and ensuring that development programs are achieving their intended outcomes. By working with the AGDEN panel, the Directorate can help to identify key indicators for gender equality and track progress towards achieving these goals. This will help to ensure that gender equality is not just a buzzword but a tangible outcome of development programs.

The parliamentary group is an important partner in the AGDEN proposal. As lawmakers, they have a critical role to play in advancing gender equality and ensuring that policies and laws are aligned with the SDGs. By engaging with the AGDEN panel, the parliamentary group can help to identify areas where legislative reform is needed and champion gender equality within the legislative process.

Civil society organizations play a vital role in advocating for gender equality and holding governments accountable for their commitments to gender equality. Through their participation in the AGDEN panel, civil society organizations can share their experiences and expertise, providing insights that can inform policies and programs.

Another essential aspect of the AGDEN proposal is the focus on gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming involves integrating a gender perspective into all aspects of policies, programs, and practices. By mainstreaming gender, the AGDEN panel can ensure that gender equality is integrated into all aspects of sustainable development goals, thereby creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Furthermore, the AGDEN proposal recognizes the intersectional nature of gender inequality. Gender inequality intersects with other forms of inequality, such as race, class, and sexual orientation. Therefore, the AGDEN panel will need to take an intersectional approach to address gender inequality effectively.

In conclusion, the AGDEN proposal is a crucial step towards promoting gender equality in the context of sustainable development goals. The proposal brings together stakeholders from academia, civil society, government, and international organizations to discuss and advance gender equality in the SDGs. The University of Nairobi, UN Women (ESARO), the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, and the Parliamentary group are critical partners in this proposal. By working together and taking practical steps towards gender equality, the AGDEN panel can contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.


Nome Título Biography
Eddah Kanini AGDEN- Treasurer Eddah Kanini has a multifaceted competence in Organizational Development, Monitoring, Evaluation and Gender specialization and training. She is based in Kenya and has over thirteen years working experience as a Leadership, Management and Governance Advisor for A USAID program, a lecturer and a consultant. Eddah holds a double Masters in Public Health, Monitoring and Evaluation specialization and Masters in Health Systems Leadership and Management and is a Doctoral Candidate. She has undertaken an executive program in Public Policy. Her passion for Evaluation has pushed Eddah to undertake further trainings in M&E, Statistics, Analysis, Impact Evaluation, governance, Gender equity, climate change and human rights among others. This horned her skills in teaching theoretically as well as practically conducting different types of assignments in Research and Evaluations such as Baseline, Mid-term, formative, Impact evaluations, and End term Evaluations and OH. She has also spearheaded, assessments of gender-based violence, gender equity and DEI. Eddah believes in passing her knowledge to others and has therefore been a mentor to many. She participated in mentoring the Young and Emerging Evaluators in 2019 under the EvalPartners program, mentored in MDE Partnering to Educate and Coach Evaluators (The PEACE) Project currently the Connexus and mentored the youth entrepreneurs to successfully pitch in the Global Entrepreneurship Summit graced by the President of the United States (POTUS) H.E Obama. She also held a group mentorship program for women in Evaluation on jumping the Evaluation hundles. Eddah still gets time to volunteer in the community services, health ventures and in professional bodies. She has volunteered to review abstracts for IDEAS and AEA and sat in 2 sub-committees (M&E and Media) in preparation of the AfrREA 2019 conference held in Abidjan, Ivory coast. She sits in the TVET Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) Sector skills advisory committee and she is also a member of knowledge sharing forums, networks and professional bodies such as: ▪ International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)- Group leader; GEFE TWG ▪ Monitoring and Evaluation Professionals Association of Kenya (MEPAK)-Secretary General ▪ Women on Board Network (WOBN) ▪ Africa Evaluation Association (AFrEA)- Board Member, member and Peer reviewer ▪ Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting Community-Member ▪ Health Systems Management Association (HESMA)-Member ▪ EvalPartners Global: EvalGender, EvalIndigenous and EvalSDG networks) ▪ International Society of the Systems (ISSS) ▪ EvalForward: Member She has excellent writing and oral communication skills with some of her notable accomplishments being: • Published reports and success stories in peer reviewed journals and websites • International Conference presentations and moderation- IDEAS, EES, Global ethics, Africa Health Agenda International Conference (AHAIC) • Regional conference presentations and round table- AfrEA, InterdisciplinaryMultimedia conference, ICED • Nationally Conferences training and presentations- The MandE week by The National Treasury and Economic Planning, KIPPRA conference, Health Systems Leadership congress. • Moderated webinars and trainings internationally- EVALSDG Evaluation dialogues, GEI forum and AGDEN trainings.
Jackson Mutavi AGDEN - Anglophone Secretary A member of two mutual professional associations, the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) and the Africa Gender and Development Evaluators Network (AGDEN). Currently serves as the Anglophone Secretary for AGDEN, a member of AfrEA and the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), Jackson has demonstrated a commitment to advancing culturally responsive and gender transformative evaluation practice in general and specifically in Kenya. His involvement in AGDEN’s partnership with the government of Kenya through a 2019/2020 project with Parliamentarians to provide input into the National M&E Policy shows his contributions to strengthening national evaluation capacity. Jackson has worked in a Senior M&E position for at least 14 years, especially in health, child protection, nutrition, environmental health, economic recovery & development, education, and women`s empowerment. Jackson is an MSc in Social Statistics and Information Technology (BIT) graduate from Kenyatta University, In addition to a certificate in monitoring and Evaluation from University of Nairobi.
Aloyce Marube Ratemo Director: Monitoring and evaluation directorate, the national treasury and economic planning, Kenya Mr. Ratemo is an Economist with a Masters Degree in Economic Policy Management (EPM) from Makerere University, Graduate with Bachelor of Arts Degree (Economics) from the University of Nairobi, Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from Institute of Applied Manpower Research, India. He has attended Senior Management Course (SMC), Strategic Leadership Development Program (SLDP) Course and Transformative Leadership Course from Kenya School of Government. He is a registered member of Economist Society of Kenya (ESK). He has twenty-seven (27) years hands-on progressive experience in Project Planning, Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation in the Public Sector. He has also extensive experience with UN Agencies in development and coordination of the implementation of various work plans. He is flexible, results-oriented and a team player. He was elected Co-chair of Twende Mbele Initiative Management Committee between 12th August, 2021 up to 13th September, 2022. Twende Mbele is a peer learning partnership of African governments and regional organisations interested to use M&E to strengthen government performance and accountability. The Core Country Partners are South Africa, Ghana, Benin, Uganda, Kenya and Niger, along with CLEAR Anglophone Africa and IDEV at the African Development Bank. Since he was appointed as Director, he has successfully coordinated the preparation of Annual Progress Reports on implementation of the Third Medium Term Plan; Big Four Agenda Implementation status Reports; County Annual Progress Reports Guidelines; Kenya Evaluation Guidelines, National Evaluation Plan; hosting of Kenya National M&E Weeks/Conferences (9th and 10th ) among others.


Nome Título Biography
Mark Mulobi AGDEN - Representative East Africa A Young and Emerging Evaluator (YEE) based in Kenya. He is the current Co-chair of both AfrEA YEE Network and EvalYouth Global Network. Mark is a MEL Consultant for Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) of United Nations Foundation (UNF). He is also a Board member and Anglophone YEE representative on the AfrEA Board, lastly, he is the Board representative at AGDEN for the East Africa region. Mark is a strong advocate and champion for YEEs in Africa.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores VOPEs / Redes de avaliação Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Avaliação culturalmente responsiva Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero

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