The CLEAR Network comprises seven regional Centers and two affiliate Centers in Asia, America, and Africa. The centers are implementing partners of the GEI, with which they share a commitment to developing country-owned, sustainable monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and capacities to promote the use of evidence in public decision-making.
CLEAR Centers aim at building capacity through in-country collaboration with local partners, including government agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. Each center is backed by prestigious academic institutions recognized for their excellence in the evaluation field, and are coordinated through the GEI, which manages donor funding, offers strategic guidance, and promotes learning and collaboration at a global level.
Across the developing world, there has been an increasing demand for evidence-informed decision-making by governments, development practitioners, donors, and program funders. Through both harmonized and tailored products and services, the CLEAR Centers aim to build sustainable in-country monitoring and evaluation systems and frameworks.
CLEAR Centers have a unique way of building capacity through in-country collaboration with local partners, including government agencies, academic institutions, and civil society organizations. They work with civil society to help generate awareness and demand for M&E services. They also partner with local academic institutions and VOPEs to share experiences and to enhance the collective capacity to provide evaluation capacity development (ECD) support at the local, national, and regional level.
The CLEAR Centers are:
- CLEAR-AA: for Anglophone Africa Center is located in Johannesburg, South Africa and hosted by the University of Witwatersrand
- CLEAR-FA: for Francophone Africa Center is located in Dakar, Senegal - and hosted by the CESAG Boulevard du Général De Gaulle 3802
- CLEAR-LAB: for Lusophone Africa and Brazil Center is located in São Paulo, Brazil and hosted by the São Paulo School of Economics at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EESP)
- CLEAR-LAC: Starting in 2024, the new center will be based in Santiago, Chile – hosted by the Catholic University of Chile.
- CLEAR-PCA: for Pakistan and Central Asia is located in Lahore, Pakistan – hosted by CERP.
- CLEAR-SA: for South Asia is located in New Delhi, India - hosted by the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab. CLEAR SA strengthens monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems across South Asia.