Technology and Innovation in Building Transformational M&E Culture

Demonstração | Online

Sobre o evento

In policy interventions, decision-making, and M&E, the use of technology and data visualization is gaining its role as a transformative force. By turning complex M&E findings, datasets, and evidence into compelling visual narratives, it informs and guides decision-makers and engages and educates the wider public. The presentation will showcase examples of innovative data analysis tools and dashboards used to drive decision-making in international development (Regional Youth Cooperation Office and TechSoup programs) and collaboration between M&E and data science professionals. The use of visualization tools is contributing to impact and building a transformational M&E culture.


Nome Título Biography
Ivana Tomovska Efremov Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Manager MEL Manager and Development Strategist, Iva is a huge data enthusiast working to connect the dots of data science and international development. Iva is leading the TechSoup Europe and its portfolio of projects M&E systems and spent 11 years as a Program Manager and M&E Champion with Peace Corps.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Usuários de avaliação Decisores Sociedade civil Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo M&A para públicos não tradicionais

Event Details
