Evidence From Benchmarking Research on the Influence of M&E Reports in Development Planning and Budgeting for Social Change: the Cases of Uganda and Kenya

Painel de Discussão | Online

Sobre o evento

Improving the use of M&E and other forms of evidence in development planning and budgeting is a key priority work area for Twende Mbele. Development planning is defined as a public management tool whose primary aim is to pursue development objectives. A budget is a financial plan detailing expenditure on a series of activities that are meant to achieve defined goals . Budgeting is therefore the process by which a government or other organisation creates and approves a budget . The use of performance monitoring and evaluation data is crucial to ensuring that development planning and budgeting are informed by policy, program or project performance evidence.

To date, the Twende Mbele partner countries have done a research study to understand the current use of performance monitoring and evaluation evidence (data) in the planning and budgeting processes of the governments of Benin, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. Based on this research study best practices, findings and recommendations, guidelines have been developed on how to improve the demand and use of M&E evidence in development planning and budgeting processes of governments.
- What is M&E evidence informing development planning and budgeting project?
- Why was the research project adopted by Twende Mbele countries?
- What are some of the initial findings of this project?
- What are some of the emerging recommendations from the project reports?
- What are the next steps for improving the use of M&E evidence in development planning and budgeting in Twende Mbele Countries?

The session seeks to highlight experiences in adopting the M&E Evidence informing development planning and budgeting project.


Nome Título Biography
Dr Samson Machuka Dr
Roland Taremwa Mr


Nome Título Biography
Parfait Kasongo Mr

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Decisores Governança

Event Details
