Climate change, social equity and transformational change in evaluations: Five tools to tackle the challenges

Webinar (em inglês) | Online

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Global environmental and development challenges require increasingly transformational changes to tackle them, particularly to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate resilient development (IPCC, 2022), ensuring justice and inclusivity. Evaluators need appropriate tools to evaluate how interventions contribute to these changes. This webinar will introduce participants to five such tools: SDG Evaluation; Theories and Signals of Transformational Change; SAMEA-DPME guidelines for two new evaluation criteria (climate and ecosystems health; and transformative equity); and Footprint Evaluation.


Nome Título Biography
Cara Hartley Director Cara Hartley is a legacy chairperson of SAMEA. She works at PDG, a South African consultancy, and consults mainly to the public sector. Recently, she was part of the team developing the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework for South Africa’s Just Transition Framework.
Sinenhlanhla Tsekiso Evaluation Systems Programme Manager Sinenhlanhla Tsekiso is the Evaluation Systems Programme Manager at the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results – Anglophone Africa. She is also a current SAMEA Board member, where she leads the Just Transition Portfolio. She was part of the team which developed the Transformative Equity criterion.
Dirk Hoffmann Evaluator Dirk Hoffmann is an evaluator with the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval). He is part of Evaluation Capacity Development team and works in Latin America and Anglophone Africa. His expertise encompasses climate change and SDGs, protected area management and international climate policy.
Kevin Moull Evaluator Kevin Moull joined DEval in September 2018. He holds a Master´s degree in Environment & Development (MSc) from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). At DEval he has evaluated the climate change adaptation, mitigation, and energy portfolios of German Development Cooperation.
Andy Rowe Founder Andy is fellow and former president of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) with over 35 years in evaluation, now focusing on sustainability and climate. He initiated the CES effort to mainstream sustainability into evaluation in Canada; is a founder of Footprint Evaluation and a member of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group for the Adaptation Fund; and is contributing to several ongoing evaluations on climate and sustainability.
E. Jane Davidson Founder Jane is an internationally recognized evaluation speaker and author, best known for developing evaluation rubrics as a methodology for drawing conclusions about quality and value. In 2019, she received the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Evaluation Theory Award from the American Evaluation Association for her lifetime contributions to the field. As a founder of Footprint Evaluation, she develops practical tools and methodologies to include sustainability and equity in all evaluations.


Nome Título Biography
Thandolwethu Lukuko Coordinator Thando is currently the Coordinator of the South African Climate Action Network (SACAN), a network of 14 NGO's working to address the challenge of climate change and climate action. He is also a director of Community Engagement at Mansa Advisory, a climate change and energy advisory services business.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Comissionistas de Avaliação Usuários de avaliação Decisores VOPEs / Redes de avaliação Alterações Climáticas Ambiente Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Cooperação internacional

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