Evaluating transformative change induced by climate mitigation and adaptation projects funded by international financing institutions

Painel de Discussão | Online

Sobre o evento

This panels discussion is aimed to o present and discuss concepts, policies and experiences of GCF, GEF and AfDB regarding transformative climate financing.
The target audience aimed at are policy makers, evaluators, project managers from public and private institutions, as well as civil society, media and general public interested in the subject.
The participants will learn about the concepts, policies and experiences of GCF, GEF and AfDB regarding transformative climate financing and the approaches used and results obtained in evaluating such projects and programmes. This will be preceeded by a presentation and discussion of recently developed methodologies for evaluating transformative change.

GCF, GEF and AfDB are leading international finance institutions with experience in climate financing and they are cooperating with each other. The participants are from the evaluation units of these institutions who have worked on assessing the experiences made with regard to policies and projects facilitating transformative change. The panel discussion will be moderated by Eric Abitbol, President and CEO of Universalia, an evaluation consultant company in Montreal/Canada.


Nome Título Biography
Ansgar Eussner Director Ansgar Eussner has worked since 1993 in the evaluation offices of UNESCO, the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol/UNEP, ICAO and the Council of Europe. Since 2017, he does evaluation consultancies, mainly for international organisations working on environment issues, such as the GCF, the GEF, the OECD and UNCCD.
Kseniya Temnenko Evaluation officer at GEF/IEO Kseniya Temnenko has more than 18 years of experience in evaluation and learning in multilateral and non-profit institutions. As an Evaluation Officer at the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility she works on cross-cutting and institutional themes, such innovation, transformational change, and failure.
Joseph Mouanda Chief Evaluation Officer at IDEV/AfDB Joseph Mouanda, a Statistician-Economist and Chief Evaluation Officer at IDEV/AfDB, has 22 years' experience in evaluating AfDB-funded infrastructure (energy, transport, and WASH). He also worked in evaluation capacity development and knowledge management. He holds an M.Sc. in Statistics and Applied Economics and is a Certified Knowledge Manager. He serves as a co-instructor during the 2023 IPDET Onsite Program.
Martin Prowse Evaluation Specialist at the IEU of the GCF Martin is Evaluation Specialist in the Independent Evaluation Unit of the Green Climate Fund. He has published widely in environmental and development journals and is an editor of the European Journal of Development Research. Martin started his career at the Overseas Development Institute, London, and he supports the Independent Evaluation Unit’s evaluations, evidence reviews, impact evaluations and learning work.


Nome Título Biography
Eric Abitbol President and CEO of Universalia Universalia is an evaluation consultant company in Montreal/Canada. Eric heads the firm’s Environment, Security and Conflict Transformation work, as a global environmental governance, sustainability, conflict transformation and evaluation practitioner, theorist and innovator. He advises a diversity of impact-oriented organisations, including global environmental finance mechanisms, multilateral and regional development banks, UN Agencies, Funds and Programs, and others.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Comissionistas de Avaliação Decisores Mídia Acadêmicos Sociedade civil Estudantes Ativista Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Alterações Climáticas Ambiente Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Cooperação internacional

Event Details
