Building a case for Climate SMART Agricultural technology/innovation: EVALIndigenous Approach

Oficina | Híbrido

Sobre o evento

Agriculture is an old indigenous practice. Climate - SMART Agricultural draws deeply from indigenous methods and approaches for technology/innovation to address the emerging climate change confronting agriculture. We can better harness these indigenous evaluation approaches to generate evidences that can support decision and policy actions to promote climate sensitive agrifood transformation. The objectives of the two-day session are to: 1) better understand the concept of EvalIngenous approach interest of cimate SMART agricultural technologies and innovaation; 2). Defining the theory of change for evaluation of climate SMART agriculture in the context of EVALIndigenous approach and 3) Build a critical mass of evaluators in EVALIndigenous approach for Climate SMART technologies evaluation


Oficina | Híbrido
6 de junho, 2024 08:30 AM - 17:30 PM
IITA Ibadan Conference centre


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Nome Título Biography

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Comissionistas de Avaliação Usuários de avaliação Decisores Acadêmicos Estudantes Alterações Climáticas Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa

Event Details
