ShEvaluators: Empowering Female Evaluators in Africa for Transformational Change

Master Class | Online

Sobre o evento

The ShEvaluators Bootcamp is a 4-day intensive capacity-building program designed to empower 20 young female evaluators in Africa to become catalysts for transformational, gender-responsive, and feminist evaluation practice. Aligned with gLOCAL 2024's theme of "Evaluation and Transformational Change," it focuses on skills, knowledge, and networks for systemic impact. The bootcamp covers modules in commissioning and conducting evaluations, transformational evaluation, and gender-responsive and feminist evaluation practices. The event fosters a community of female evaluators through networking, mentoring, and practical exercises, with participants developing action plans for integrating transformational approaches in development practice and advocating for gender equality and social justice. The event aims to build a cadre of female evaluators driving change in Africa and beyond by contributing to more inclusive and transformative evaluation in the region.


Webinar (em inglês) | Online
4 de junho, 2024 12:00 PM - 14:00 PM
The session will cover key aspects of the evaluation lifecycle, including defining the purpose and scope of the evaluation, selecting appropriate evaluation methods, and managing the evaluation process. Participants will gain insights into the roles and responsibilities of evaluation commissioners and evaluators, as well as best practices for ensuring high-quality, useful, and ethical evaluations. The webinar will also address the importance of stakeholder engagement, effective communication, and utilization of evaluation findings for decision-making and organizational learning.


Nome Título Biography
Christian Adanu Director of Research, Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI) Christian is a research, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (RMEL) expert with over nine years of experience collaborating with humanitarian and development organizations, including donor agencies and embassies. He has extensive experience across various regions of Nigeria, such as the South-South, South West, North Central, Northeast, and Northwest, as well as internationally across Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Christian has worked across a multitude of sectors, including human rights, migration, education, peacebuilding, CPVE (Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism), governance, security, disability rights, advocacy, and grant-making. He has a robust proficiency in both the theory and practical application of research, spanning methodology design, data collection, and analysis, both academically and within the realm of development. This includes expertise in systems thinking and organizational capacity assessment. Christian specializes in technical and strategic program management, RMEL, theory of change analysis and development, portfolio and project performance evaluation (baseline, midline, and final), M&E system design, management, and strengthening, third-party monitoring, organizational capacity assessment (OCA) using various unique and customized tools, conflict analysis, vulnerability assessment, program development and coordination, grants management, project close-out, logical and result framework design, qualitative, quantitative, and participatory research methods and project coordination. He has worked with and collaborated with various donors, including IOM, USAID, FCDO, GCERF, CSSF, ECHO, DRL, BHA, IHA, EU, DUTCH, GIZ, and organizations like Search for Common Ground, International Alert, Mercy Corps, Creative Associates International, Save the Children, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Women for Women International, Christian Blind Mission (CBM), Care International, and numerous other INGOs. He is currently the Director of Research, Evaluation and Learning at Crest Research and Development Institute (CRADI). Christian's strengths include the ability to work within systems and think outside of them, proven leadership and team-building skills, as well as strong communication and analytical abilities.


Nome Título Biography
Rinji Kwarkas Acting MERL Manager, Graca Machel Trust Rinji Kwarkas is a Research design expert, a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist, a member of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators and a fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters. With over 9 years of focus on designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating development interventions, conducting Research for Development projects and Forecasting socio-economic phenomena. He is keen on developing knowledge management systems for strategic NGO management and advancing inclusive and transformative evaluation practices. Rinji has conducted evaluations for projects across countries in Africa; including South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya with most of these evaluations being in Nigeria and South Africa. Rinji is a co-founder at Crest Research and Development Institute and the founder of the ShEvaluators movement.

Oficina | Online
4 de junho, 2024 12:00 PM - 14:00 PM
The session will introduce key frameworks and methodologies for designing and implementing evaluations that assess the potential for and contribute to transformational change. Participants will learn how to identify the conditions and drivers of transformational change, engage stakeholders in the evaluation process, and use evaluation findings to support ongoing learning and adaptation. The session will also address the challenges and opportunities of applying transformational evaluation in the African contexts, and provide examples of successful transformational evaluation initiatives.


Nome Título Biography
Rinji Kwarkas Acting MERL Manager, Graca Machel Trust Moderator Rinji Kwarkas is a Research design expert, a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist, a member of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators and a fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters. With over 9 years of focus on designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating development interventions, conducting Research for Development projects and Forecasting socio-economic phenomena. He is keen on developing knowledge management systems for strategic NGO management and advancing inclusive and transformative evaluation practices. Rinji has conducted evaluations for projects across countries in Africa; including South Africa, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya with most of these evaluations being in Nigeria and South Africa. Rinji is a co-founder at Crest Research and Development Institute and the founder of the ShEvaluators movement. Session Modality


Nome Título Biography

Oficina | Online
6 de junho, 2024 12:00 PM - 14:00 PM
The session will explore how gender and power dynamics shape the evaluation process and outcomes, and how evaluators can design and implement evaluations that are sensitive to these dynamics. Participants will learn about feminist evaluation frameworks, such as the Feminist Evaluation Model and the Transformative Feminist Evaluation Approach, which emphasize the importance of participation, empowerment, and social justice. The session will also cover practical strategies for integrating gender and equity considerations into all stages of the evaluation process, from planning and data collection to analysis and reporting. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss case studies and share their own experiences of applying gender-responsive and feminist approaches in their evaluation work.


Nome Título Biography


Nome Título Biography
Patience Finye Andrew MEL Specialist Patience Finye Andrew is an international development professional in the field of monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL). She is committed to transforming conceptual strategies into tangible and actionable solutions. She champions sustainable practices and the deepening of inclusive economic opportunities for organizations. Patience has conducted evaluations in several thematic areas, including peacebuilding, women’s economic advancement, decent work and quality jobs, youth development, education, enterprise development, and program baseline, impact and final evaluations. She has strong capabilities in both qualitative and quantitative research methods; and has extensive experience in managing multi-country, complex assignments. With over seven years in the sector, she has successfully translated research insights into actionable strategies, fostering sustainable business development and programmatic expansion. At the heart of her research is a drive to decolonize evaluations, delving into unconventional approaches to African development practices. This exploration is anchored in both theoretical considerations and practical applications of alternative and intersectional development paradigms. Patience holds a BA in History and International Studies and a Masters in International Development from Nottingham Trent University U.K.

Networking | Online
7 de junho, 2024 12:00 PM - 14:00 PM
In this reflective and interactive session tailored specifically to female evaluators, participants will connect with peers, share experiences, and discuss insights gained throughout the bootcamp, with a focus on promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in evaluation. Small group discussions and activities will foster peer learning and support among women evaluators, addressing challenges, successes, and strategies for overcoming gender barriers in the field. Networking opportunities, such as speed-dating style interactions and an online forum, will create a safe and supportive space for women to discuss unique challenges and share strategies for navigating career advancement.


Nome Título Biography


Nome Título Biography
Patience Finye Andrew MEL Specialist Patience Finye Andrew is an international development professional in the field of monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL). She is committed to transforming conceptual strategies into tangible and actionable solutions. She champions sustainable practices and the deepening of inclusive economic opportunities for organizations. Patience has conducted evaluations in several thematic areas, including peacebuilding, women’s economic advancement, decent work and quality jobs, youth development, education, enterprise development, and program baseline, impact and final evaluations. She has strong capabilities in both qualitative and quantitative research methods; and has extensive experience in managing multi-country, complex assignments. With over seven years in the sector, she has successfully translated research insights into actionable strategies, fostering sustainable business development and programmatic expansion. At the heart of her research is a drive to decolonize evaluations, delving into unconventional approaches to African development practices. This exploration is anchored in both theoretical considerations and practical applications of alternative and intersectional development paradigms. Patience holds a BA in History and International Studies and a Masters in International Development from Nottingham Trent University U.K.

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Avaliação culturalmente responsiva Avaliação e Mudança Transformacional: Equilibrando Ambição e Realismo Avaliação Sensível ao Gênero Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa Juventude em Avaliação

Event Details
