Impact Stories: Contribution Analysis of Participatory Action Research in Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Aid

Webinar (em inglês) | Online

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Join us for a webinar where we'll dive into contribution analysis and its role in understanding the impact of our project, Empowered Aid. We'll explore how this method helps us dissect the outcomes of our multi-year, multi-component initiative spanning multiple countries aimed at preventing sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian aid. Through practical insights and the examination of our case study, you'll learn how to use contribution analysis to track the effects of your work on policy, practice, and discourse in your field.


Nome Título Biography
Alina Potts Research Scientist Alina Potts is a Research Scientist, where she aims to center women and girls in asking and answering questions around how to better address GBV in humanitarian settings. Previously, Alina coordinated violence prevention research at UNICEF and led GBV programming in various humanitarian contexts.
Andrea Koris Senior Research Associate Andrea Koris brings over a decade of experience supporting initiatives responding to GBV and supporting the health and bodily integrity of women and girls across the globe. She is a mixed methods researcher with a focus on participatory qualitative methods.
Dr. Sarah Morton Director, Matter of Focus Sarah is internationally recognised for her work in developing innovative approaches to ensure that decision-makers have access to the best evidence for taking organisations, policies and practices forward.

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos Sociedade civil Servidor Público / Funcionário da Organização Internacional Fragilidade, Conflito e Violência Avaliação Participativa/ Comunitária/ Colaborativa

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