Indigenous Knowledge Management in Climate and Environmental Mitigation

Webinar (em inglês) | Online

Sobre o evento

In almost all scientific ways that are used to predict and mitigate environmental and climate changes, there were indigenous ways. Some of these knowledge systems have been documented and others have been passed down one generation to another but a lot has been lost.
We present some of the valuable indigenous knowledge that is still utilized by the indigenous communities particularly in environment and climate thematic areas.


Nome Título Biography
Almasi Mwiti Monitoring, Evaluation and Climate Change specialis
Joseph Boru Sarapana County Knowledge Management Officer/Indigenous Evaluator
Eddah Kanini Monitoring, Evaluation and Gender Consultant

Tópicos e Temas

Avaliadores Comissionistas de Avaliação Decisores VOPEs / Redes de avaliação Mídia Acadêmicos Sociedade civil Ativista Alterações Climáticas Ambiente

Event Details
