Innovating with Big Data to evaluate SDGs better


Sobre o evento

The session led by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) will present results from a systematic map visualizing how big data is being innovatively used in measuring and evaluating development outcomes. We map different sources of big data onto development outcomes to identify current evidence base, use, and gaps, particularly in difficult and challenging development contexts. The map provides a visual overview of existing and ongoing studies. This session will then discuss the risks, biases and ethical challenges in using big data for measuring and evaluating development outcomes.
Among other things, the participants will learn the following:
1. How different types of big data and methods have been used for measuring and evaluating SDGs?
2. How dispersed or concentrated is the use of big data across SDG goals and geographies?
3. What are the potential biases, pros and cons, risks and ethical issues in using big data for measuring and evaluating development outcomes?
4. What are currently some of the unexplored but promising applications of big data for impact evaluations?


Nome Título Biography
Francis Rathinam Senior Evaluation Specialist Francis manages 3ie impact evaluation grants across a wide spectrum of development issues, including transparency and accountability, governance and social protection. He also works closely with some of 3ie’s member country governments to build capacity to use and institutionalize impact evaluations
Dr Véronique Lefebvre Researcher Véronique Lefebvre is a researcher in data science and signal processing. Before joining the Flowminder Foundation in 2016 she has worked in Neuroscience (University College London, UK) and in Ecology (Imperial College London, UK) as a post-doctoral research associate.
Sriganesh Lokanathan Team Leader Sriganesh Lokanathan, Team Leader, Big Data Research, UN Global Pulse

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
