Building a Results Culture in the Zambian Parliament

Painel de Discussão

Sobre o evento

The event will bring together parliamentarians, academia, government officials, professional associations and other non-state actors who have interest in M&E. The idea is to create a platform for different stakeholders to discuss how M&E can contribute towards highlighting the performance of the country in implementing SDGs. Parliament, as a lawmaking body which also oversee the implementation of government policies and programmes, needs to be at the center of this discourse. The platform will also be used to promote citizen participation by encouraging them to utilise available channels of engaging their elected leaders.

The idea will be to broadcast these discussion live on both Parliament Radio and Parliament TV which has nation-wide coverage.


Nome Título Biography
Hon Stanley Kakubo Mr Hon Kakubo is a lawmaker from the Kapiri Mposhi with a keen interest in development evaluation. He is the inaugural Chairperson for the Zambian Chapter of APNODE.
Charles Mweshi Mr He is Director of M&E in the government department tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the Government-wide M&E System.
Vincent Kanyamuna Dr He is a lecturer in the Department of Development Studies and has a passion for promoting evidence use across all sectors of development.
John Njovu Mr He is a board member of ZaMEA and well-versed in evaluation matters at local and international levels
Sibonelo Jere Ms She is a seasoned media personal with extensive expertise in handling high level events.

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-General Public NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
