Generating Evidence for Equity-Focused and Gender Responsive Evaluations in Afghanistan.


Sobre o evento

Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES) will hold a 1.5 hour webinar under the title of generating evidence for equity-focused and gender responsive (EFGR) evaluations in Afghanistan. The event be open to all members of Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES), the evaluation community, and the public. It is expected that the event will attract between 100-200 participants. The event will be held in local languages of Dari and Pashto.

The event will include presentations by three members of panel with a focus on three themes of; a) How to streamline EFGR into evaluations considering local context; b) EFGR evaluations, SDGs and how are the achievements of SDGs affected by the current COVID19 pandemic; and, c) The role of evaluators and policymakers.

A literature review of secondary data and information will be undertaken to prepare evidence for the event. These will include review of reports on SDGs from the Afghan Ministry of Economy who is the leading agency on SDGs, reports from UN agencies, donors, and research organizations.


Nome Título Biography
Tooryalay Nasery Member of Board of Directors Mr. Tooryalay Nasery is a board member of Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES), and has over 15 years of experience in evaluations, program management and public policy. He has a masters in Agriculture and international development from Netherlands.
Ms. Huda Mustafawi Member of Board of Directors Ms. Huda Mustafawi is an M&E and Gender expert with 10 years of experience with donor programs, NGOs and private sector. She is a board member of Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES), and currently also working with one of the US-Government funded programs in Afghanistan.
Samandar Mahmodi Chairman, Board of Directors Samandar Mahmodi is the chairman of Afghan Evaluation Society (AfES), he is also vice president of Asia Pacific Evaluation Association, and currently works with EvalPartners as Coordinator. Mr. Mahmodi has over 10 years of experience in program evaluations, public policy, gender, and SDGs.
Qudratullah Jahid Secretary General Qudratullah Jahid is a program management and M&E specialist with over 10 years of work experience. He is a Fulbright program alumnus receiving his master's in International Development from Clark University in Massachusetts. Mr. Jahid is also a member of the EvalYouth Management Group.

Tópicos e Temas

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials NA-Non-Profit Organizers NA-Private Sector NA-Policymakers/Parliamentarians NA-Evaluation Practitioners NA-Young and Emerging Evaluators

Event Details
