Innovating Evaluation in Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies: Dealing with operational challenges during the COVID-19 crisis


About the Event

This session discusses how evaluation functions within multilateral and bilateral agencies working in the field of international development have dealt with the operational challenges – and found innovations - in commissioning and conducting evaluations in times of COVID-19. More specifically, panelists will discuss the following three questions:

• How have evaluation functions adapted to the challenges of collecting and analyzing evaluative evidence in times of COVID-19?
• What innovations have been developed or scaled up to mitigate these challenges?
• What will the ‘new normal’ look like? In what ways will the pandemic have a lasting influence on evaluation design and implementation?

Join representatives from three agencies in this panel discussion.

World Bank Independent Evaluation Group

Alison Evans, Director General (Opening Remarks)
Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, Director (Chair of Session)
Jos Vaessen, Methods Advisor

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)

Sven Harten, Head of Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodology / Deputy Director


Allison Haselkorn, Acting Evaluation Team Lead, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, Office of Learning, Evaluation, and Research (PPL/LER).
Sophia van der Bijl, Evaluation Specialist, Evaluation Team, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, Office of Learning, Evaluation, and Research (PPL/LER)


Nome Título Biography
Alison Evans Director General Alison Evans assumed her position as Director-General, Evaluation at the World Bank Group in 2019. Alison Evans brings more than 25 years of international development experience, spanning policy, research and evaluation across diverse geopolitical and multicultural environments.
Estelle Raimondo Senior Evaluation Officer Estelle Raimondo, PhD is a Senior Evaluator at IEG where she leads evaluations and advises teams on methodological design and innovations. With ten+ years of experience in development evaluation, she is a faculty member of IPDET and serves on the board of the European Evaluation Society.
Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez Director Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez is a Director in the World Bank's evaluation department. He has been with the World Bank since 2006, leading lending operations and analyses in multiple countries. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.
Sven Harten Head of Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodology / Deputy Director Sven Harten is Deputy Director at DEval and heads the Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodologies. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the LSE and has more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing and managing more than 50 evaluations in the field of development cooperation.
Allison Haselkorn Acting Evaluation Team Lead, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, Office of Learning, Evaluation, and Research (PPL/LER Allison Haselkorn is the Acting Evaluation Team Lead in USAID's Learning, Evaluation, and Research Office. She manages the $655 million EVAL-ME II mechanism, which provides MEL services worldwide, and oversees several agency-wide priority studies. MSFS, Georgetown; dual B.A., Yale.
Sophia van der Bijl Evaluation Specialist Sophia works on PPL/LER's Evaluation team. She previously worked on Evaluation and Impact, where she managed the team. Earlier, she worked as a M&E Advisor in the Bureau for Food Security, providing guidance on M&E. Prior to joining USAID, she worked as a M&E Director at MCC. BA, McGill; MA, JHU

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Setor Privado Público em geral Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes Outros

Detalhes do evento
