The impacts of COVID-19 on the Italian Agriculture & Food sector: what can we learn to build forward better more resilient and sustainable food systems?


About the Event

The pandemic affected in different ways economic sectors and countries: this session will take a close look at the Italian agriculture and food sector with its specific features and will discuss the response that the national and European authorities have provided.
What type of data can be used to simulate or assess the intensity of shocks caused by the crisis on agriculture and to help shape policy responses?
Lessons learned that can be used to improve the resilience of the sector and of the whole food system in Italy will be shared and on how to ensure better use of evidence by decision makers in this particular area.


- Introduction remarks by Simona Cristiano, Researcher and evaluation specialist, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics and Italian Evaluation Society
- Panel discussion moderated by Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, IFAD, with:
o Annalisa Zezza, Senior policy analyst, National Council for Agricultural Research (CREA), Italy, on potential impact on agriculture of Covid-19 outbreak on medium term prospects
o Luca Cesaro, Senior researcher, National Council for Agricultural Research (CREA), Italy on Italian Farms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Main Problems and Future Perspectives
- Q&A with participants


Nome Título Biography
Fabrizio Felloni Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation Fabrizio is the Deputy Director of the IFAD Independent Office of Evaluation, and has over 20 years of experience in development evaluations. He holds a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from Washington State University and has authored several articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Simona Cristiano Policy analyst and designer Simona has 20 years of experience on policy analysis, design and evaluation of national and European Policies, with a focus on the Agricultural Policy. Her fields of expertise include: Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS); Farm Advisory Services, agricultural supply chains.
Annalisa Zezza Senior policy analyst Annalisa is an expert on agricultural trade; Italian delegate to the OECD Agriculture Policy and Markets Working Group; Co-chair of the taskforce on sustainability indicators for biofuels; Member of the Italian Task force on the bioeconomy; Visiting Fellow at the Kennedy School of Public Health.
Luca Cesaro Senior researcher Luca is Senior researcher at the National Council for Agricultural Research, professor of Farm Management at the University of Padova for 10 years, expert in Policy evaluation and analysis in the Agricultural and Forestry sector. Member of the steering committee of the Italian FADN project.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Setor Privado Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes

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