The COVID-19 Pandemic from the Perspective of the Vulnerable - Learnings based on Studies conducted in Sri Lanka & India


About the Event

EvalGender+, a network of EvalPartners that contribute to achieving social equity and gender equality granted seed money to the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association to conduct a pilot study on the economic and social effects and the extent of equity in action during COVID-19, giving emphasis on the plight of the vulnerable.
A one-on-one interview Questionnaire Survey was conducted in Colombo and Gampaha Districts in Sri Lanka which were badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic during the unlock periods. The focus was on the low-income earning categories in urban and rural areas, isolated areas under self-quarantine and the migrated workers.
The study served in providing practical training for YEEs which is scarce. We were also able to extend the training to 2 offices from the Planning and Monitoring unit of the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs.
The Institute of Social Studies Trust, India conducted two surveys at two different points of time, first in May 2020, after the lockdown was imposed in India and later in October 2020 during the unlocking phase, with women informal workers (mostly migrants) in New Delhi. The focus was the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the lockdown on their lives.
This Webinar will share the findings and learnings from the above studies.


Nome Título Biography
Ms Piroshini Trikawalagoda Joint Secretary Ms Piroshini Trikawalagoda is a Senior Evaluator and Social Researcher specialised in participatory methodology with over 15 years’ experience. She worked closely with SLEvA and the Parliamentarians Forums in Evaluation to advocate the NEP.
Dr Monika Banerjee Research Fellow, Dr Monika Banerjee works in the capacity of a Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Studies Trust, New Delhi. She is involved in research and capacity building projects which focus on engendering policy processes and public discourses using a gender transformative approach.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Setor Privado Público em geral Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes

Detalhes do evento
