Building Gender Lens in Evaluation and Communication: Necessary or Optional? “Evaluation Communication and Use”

Mesa Redonda

About the Event

This session will address the theme of “Evaluation Communication and Use” and will speak of using data visualization and creative approaches to communicate evidence to a range of audiences beyond academia and development practioners. This includes communicating back to communities and people who are researched, as well as to policy makers and the government for effective use of evidence. This session will be a roundtable consisting of 4-5minute presentations/reflections from 9 speakers on the following two topics with a considerable amount of time for open debate including the audience:
a) Moving beyond reports and peer reviewed publications to communicate evidence and evaluation learnings: innovation and creativity in taking results back to communities.
b) Effective engagement and communication of findings to decision makers: engaging policy makers effectively to engage with and utilize evaluation findings.


Nome Título Biography
Pranita Achyut Ms Pranita has over two decades of experience in monitoring, evaluation and programming on reproductive health, education and violence prevention. She has led several flagship programs of ICRW. She has worked with NGOs, private sector, government and other stakeholders.
Priya Nanda Dr. Priya is a Senior Program Officer with the Gates Foundation, India where she leads the measurement and evaluation for social norms and equity. She was at the International Center for Research on Women’s (ICRW) Asia Office in India from 2006 to 2016 where she led a portfolio of research,
Sarah Hawkes Dr. Sarah Hawkes is the Director of the Centre for Gender and Global Health, and a medical doctor with a degree in sociology and a PhD in epidemiology. She is Professor of Global Public Health at University College London where she leads a research theme analyzing the use of evidence in policy processes
Sneha Sharma Ms. Sneha works as a senior research associate across multiple projects. She has worked on the Learning Review on What Works for Adolescents’ Empowerment, aimed at drawing out strategic learnings from a decade of programming for adolescent girls and currently works on COVID-19 Sex-Disaggregated Data
Kuhika Seth Kuhika Seth works as a technical specialist at ICRW, and her work is primarily around engaging men in sexual and reproductive health, and family planning. Her prior work was in evaluation of programs on health messaging through SHGs, with Population Counc Ms.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Profissionais de M&A Estudantes

Detalhes do evento
