A new tool for rural development evaluation practitioners. The 2022 IFAD Evaluation Manual.


About the Event

A new tool for rural development evaluation practitioners. The 2022 IFAD Evaluation Manual.
In 2022, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has launched a new Evaluation Manual. For the first time, the Manual will serve as a reference for both self- and independent evaluation at IFAD and has been prepared in collaboration between the Independent Office of Evaluation and Management. The common standards will help enhance the quality of self- and independent evaluation, and consistency between the two and, ultimately, foster a stronger results and evaluation culture at the corporate level.
The interest for evaluation practitioners and institutional stakeholders. The Manual may also be of interest to people outside IFAD, such as rural development practitioners and evaluators. The Manual provides guidance on how to adapt international standards, practices, and evaluation criteria into the context of rural development, particularly when the end-client of development interventions are smallholder farmer and small rural producers.
An important element of the Manual is its effort to draw from the recent contributions from, the theory and practice of evaluation and with special reference to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Examples of these concepts that the Manual addresses are: (i) complexity and systems building; (ii) transformative change; (iii) sustainability and climate change; (iv) social justice; and (v) gender intersectionality.
The Manual will be available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. It has been designed as a rather concise living digital document and will be complemented by references and hyperlinks to methodological guidance available in the literature, publicly available audio-visual sources on free access sites, as well as original material produced by IFAD on rural development evaluation. IFAD is also preparing an on-line training module on this Manual, which we expect to launch in summer 2022. All this material will be available online to the public and free of charge.
Modality of the event. The event will feature a brief presentation on the Manual and a moderated panel discussion with representatives from international organizations, developing country governments and evaluation practitioners. The panellists will discuss the standards and methodological tools that are required by evaluation practitioners, the perspectives of government and project staff in developing countries, so that evaluation can better support the design and implementation of rural development initiatives in addressing rural development challenges within the framework of the 2030 Agenda.
Expected value added. At the end of this panel, participants will be better aware of: (i) options to translate key concepts related to the 2030 Agenda into evaluation practice; (ii) ways in which evaluation criteria and standards can be adapted to the context of rural poverty alleviation; and (iii) needs and opportunities for rural development and evaluation practitioners and institutional stakeholders. At the same time, the event will provide feedback to IFAD from the participants on their priorities.


Nome Título Biography
Fabrizio Felloni Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation Fabrizio Felloni is Deputy Director at the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD (Rome), since September 2016. He was previously a Lead Evaluation Officer at IFAD, Evaluation Specialist at the Independent Evaluation Office the United Nations Development Programme (New York).
Indran Naidoo Director, Independent Office of Evaluation Indran A. Naidoo is the Director of the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD. He promotes accountability and learning, improving operational performance and effectiveness. Indran is a globally recognized thought leader.
Donal Brown Associate Vice President, Programme Management Department Donal Brown is Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, at IFAD. He oversees the programme of work of the department, which is undertaken by five Regional Divisions and the Operational Policy and Results Division.

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NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Público em geral Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes Redução da pobreza Justiça social Mudanças Climáticas Sistemas Nacionais de M&A

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