Operationalising Test, Learn and Adapt approaches on Issue-Based Programmes in Malawi


About the Event

Traction, a governance programme in Malawi, showcases a Test, Learn, Adapt, tool as a series of sprint cycles, each testing a hypothesis for behaviour change, reviewing progress by analyzing actors’ willingness to engage, alignment of incentives and political and technical feasibility to pick learning from collective implementation of PEA-informed issue-based-programmes. Such politically smart adaptive programmes are new in Malawi, so the programme instituted a strong learning culture, creating space to reflect and revise strategies through testing the assumptions and learning from them. We share how we adapted the tool and learned how to use it to drive progress and be agile and adaptive.


Nome Título Biography
Dr. Fletcher Tembo Governance Lead Fletcher specialises in using Political Economy Analysis approaches to address collective action problems and developing ‘fit for purpose’ monitoring and evaluation frameworks. He is a former ODI Research Fellow and has been the Director of the Mwananchi and Making All Voices Count programmes.
Basileke Mwamlima Monitoring, Learning and Adaptation Lead Basileke is an experienced MEL expert, specialising in governance and accountability. She coordinates monitoring of progress within issue-based projects, learning and adaptation within Traction’s programme through use of Test, Learn, Adapt approaches.
Ellen Erickson Issue Based Projects (IBP) Manager As IBP Manager, Ellen oversees the daily work of Traction’s issue based projects, guiding activities toward reaching better governance outcomes for Malawians.  She has extensive experience working for various development organizations including USAID, MCC, and the UN.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Setor Privado Público em geral Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes Segurança Alimentar e Nutrição Justiça social

Detalhes do evento
