Lessons from India's National Data and Analytics Platform


About the Event

NITI Aayog is developing the National Data and Analytics Platform (NDAP) to increase use of Indian government data. NDAP is a user-friendly web platform that aggregates government data in machine-readable formats, and standardizes them to enable analysis across time and geography. NDAP represents an innovation in how government data is disseminated to enable effective use. In this session, we will describe NDAP’s objectives, see how user feedback has been essential to creating the platform, and draw lessons that may be applicable for the creation of similar platforms in other places.


Nome Título Biography
Vishan Pattnaik Senior Manager Vishan Pattnaik is a Senior Manager at IDinsight, based in New Delhi, India.

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Formuladores de políticas públicas

Detalhes do evento
