Layering Research Across Interest Areas: Measuring Resilience, Market Systems, And Gender Empowerment in the Case of “Her Time to Grow”

Mesa Redonda

About the Event

In complex programming, there are often several interest areas to measure. However, most standardized tools focus on just one specific theme. A layering of these tools to provide a more holistic picture is difficult in practice. In a multi-country women’s empowerment project in agriculture, iDE aims to conduct several research activities that build on each other. The research strategy includes index-level tools focusing on resilience and empowerment probed further with qualitative approaches. This session hopes to prime discussion on how others are thinking and practicing similar approaches.


Nome Título Biography
Henok Begashaw Evidence & Analytics Systems Manager Henok Begashaw is the Evidence & Analytics Systems Manager at iDE Global, and supports a portfolio of countries on monitoring and evaluation planning and implementation with a focus on market systems development approaches. Additionally, he assists teams in building and maintaining their MIS.

Topics and Themes

Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Público em geral Profissionais de M&A Estudantes Gênero Redução da pobreza Mudanças Climáticas

Detalhes do evento
