Strengthening evaluation of Swashakt women's empowerment projects

Webinar | Online

About the Event

This session will highlight the value of process evaluation in a mixed method, randomized control trial evaluation, as well as for monitoring and understanding implementation. Qualitative research has been instrumental to documenting and understanding implementation processes, challenges and participants' stories as part of 3ie's Swashakt program.

Launched in 2020, the Swashakt evidence program aims to generate evidence on interventions that enhance the viability, scalability and returns for women’s collectives-based enterprises. Interventions implemented by three of Swashakt's five ongoing projects are being evaluated by 3ie. These interventions generally include skill development trainings, centralized processing centers or equipment, and opportunities to earn income through ‘collectivized’ entrepreneurial activities such as spice processing, handloom weaving, and production of wool. Products are sold in local and higher value markets.

In evaluating these projects, process evaluation has been key for learning and for maintaining rigor in impact evaluation. Knowledge of context gained by engaging with implementing partners, project participants as well as non-participants such as key informants in the community or sub national government agencies, has enabled us to ‘ground-truth’ our quantitative data and sharpen our evaluation questions.

This online session’s objectives are to:
1. Introduce 3ie’s practical process evaluation guidelines.
2. Demonstrate that responsive mixed-method evaluation approaches that collaborate with grassroots implementers and center women’s stories enabled our research team to better understand project implementation than with quantitative survey instruments alone.
3. Share learning from the Swashakt evidence program on the sociocultural context of participants, project implementation, and similarities and differences among collectivization models used to empower women in 5 states of India.

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Nome Título Biography
Jane Hammaker Senior Research Associate, 3ie Jane supports 3ie projects in women’s empowerment and livelihoods in India, along with nutrition, democracy, human rights and governance (DRG) and cost evidence in impact evaluation. She leads and contributes to multiple 3ie services and strategic initiatives, including impact evaluations, process evaluations, monitoring support, rapid evidence assessments, systematic reviews, evidence gap maps, virtual trainings and capacity building. Prior to joining 3ie, Jane worked with various organizations in the United States and India, including the American India Foundation, Yuwa India, EdPolicyWorks, United Nations ESCAP and the Mrida Group on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL), program implementation, and policy analysis. Jane holds a Master of Public Policy and Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.
Shreya Banerjee Senior Research Associate, 3ie Shreya provides grant management and research support to the evaluation office, including for knowledge management, evidence synthesis and stakeholder engagement. She is currently primarily working on the 'Swashakt: Empowering Indian Women's Collectives' program, which focuses on women’s empowerment and livelihoods in India. She has been contributing to 3ie’s work on impact evaluations, monitoring, process evaluations and systematic reviews. Prior to joining 3ie, she worked as a researcher at Watershed Organisation Trust in Pune where she was part of the social sciences team and worked mainly on research projects which focused on agriculture, livelihoods, gender, and sustainability. Shreya worked on a study that explored how increasing urbanization and changes in land use patterns impacted gender dynamics in a region in Maharashtra, India. She was also involved in analyzing the social, economic, and institutional effectiveness of climate change adaptation programs. Shreya holds a Master’s in Development Studies from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad, and a Bachelor’s in Economics from Fergusson College, Pune.


Nome Título Biography
Kirthi V Rao Evidence impact specialist, 3ie Kirthi leads on monitoring, analyzing and communicating the use and impact of 3ie’s work. She manages engagement and communication for 3ie projects and programs relating to women’s empowerment, immunization, aquaculture, and contribution tracing. Prior to this, she worked as a qualitative researcher on studies relating to inclusive education at Collaborative Research and Development. She has also worked as a staff writer at the Indian news organization Mint, covering the erstwhile Planning Commission. Before that, she worked in the due diligence team at IFMR Capital Finance Private Limited (now called Northern Arc). Kirthi holds an MA in Urban Policy and Governance from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, a post-graduate diploma in print journalism from the Asian College of Journalism and a BA in Economics from the University of Delhi.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Gênero Public Policy

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