Evidence Use by African Parliaments: Reflections from Civil Society Organisations and Parliamentary staff members

Webinar | Online

About the Event

In support of the gLOCAL 2023 Themes: "The Future of Evaluation: Culture, Context, and Collaboration." The Strengthening Legislatures Business Line from CLEAR-AA will be hosting an Evidence use- knowledge exchange event.
The objective of the event will not only be to present the outputs of the Evidence Use Masterclass but to discuss evidence use more broadly in pursuance to ultimately contribute to effective policymaking. The discussions will allow participants an opportunity to identify what works best, identify gaps in knowledge, and areas that require further research or data collection. Moreover, greater value will be gained from learning about the strengths, areas of improvement, and contextual factors which have influenced evidence use by the Zambian parliamentary staff members.


Nome Título Biography
julius Kapamba Deputy principal clerk N/A
Japheth Chanda Senior M&E officer N/A


Nome Título Biography
Khumo M&E officer

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Decision makers Civil Society Governance Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation Public Policy

Detalhes do evento
