Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Act 2024 of Nepal: The Way Forward

Webinar | Online

About the Event

Nepal's journey towards decentralization has been both ambitious and transformative. Nepal stands as the sole country in Asia and the Pacific to enshrine Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) within its Constitution 2015, making M&E principles at the core of its governance framework.

After several years of diligent effort, the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Act 2024 emerged as a landmark legislative initiative, marking the first legal instrument dedicated to M&E in Nepal. The M&E Act 2024 of Nepal was passed by the House of Representatives of Nepal and was certified by the President of Nepal Right Honourable Mr. Ramchandra Paudel on 29 March 2024.

The M&E Act 2024 of Nepal represents a significant milestone in the country's quest for transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance. As Nepal charts its course towards decentralization, the M&E Act serves as a significant instrument enlightening the path forward with principles of evidence-based decision-making, citizen engagement, and institutional accountability at the federal, provincial, and local levels.

This webinar aims to explore the significance of this innovative legislation in Nepal's decentralization process, understanding its provisions, implications, and the collaborative efforts driving its implementation forward.


During the webinar, a Welcome Speech will be presented by Prabin Chitrakar, Chairperson of CoE-Nepal, Sunaina Sharma Gyawali, Treasurer of CoE-Nepal will be the Moderator of the webinar, and Dr. Gana Pati Ojha, Executive Board Member of CoE-Nepal will present the Closing Remarks. There will be three presentations as mentioned below:

1. Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Act 2024 - by Hon. Ranju Kumari Jha Thakur, Member of Federal Parliament Government of Nepal

• Key provisions and objectives outlined in the M&E Act 2024, emphasizing its role in institutionalizing M&E practices.
• Significance of the M&E Act as the first legal instrument dedicated to monitoring and evaluation in Nepal, setting a precedent for transparent and accountable governance.

2. Effective Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Act 2024 - by Hon. Dr. Ram Kumar Phuyal, Member of National Planning Commission (NPC), Government of Nepal.

• Mechanisms necessary for the successful implementation of the M&E Act 2024 across federal, provincial, and local levels of government.
• Potential challenges and solutions to ensure effective adoption and integration of M&E practices, with a focus on enhancing institutional capacity and resource allocation.

3. Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration - by Dr. Krishna Belbase, Life Member and Advisor of CoE-Nepal.

• Highlight the pivotal role of stakeholders such as Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs), bilateral and multilateral organisations especially the United Nations (UN) agencies and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs), academia, civil society organizations, and the private sector in advancing the M&E agenda.
• Examine strategies for leveraging stakeholder engagement and partnerships to sustain momentum, overcome implementation challenges, and drive impactful outcomes in Nepal's decentralized development journey.

Audience Engagement: Participants will have the opportunity to engage actively throughout the webinar through Q&A sessions. Their insights, experiences, and questions will contribute to a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives, fostering collaborative learning and knowledge sharing.

Expected Outcomes: Participants can expect to gain:

• A deeper understanding of the significance of the M&E Act 2024 in Nepal's decentralization journey.
• Insights into the key provisions, objectives, and implementation challenges of the M&E Act.
• A roadmap for contributing to the realization of Nepal's developmental aspirations through effective monitoring and evaluation practices.


Nome Título Biography
Hon. Ranju Kumari Jha Thakur Member of Federal Parliament Government of Nepal Hon. Ranju Kumari Jha Thakur (MA, LLB.) is a socio-political activist, a lawyer and a woman leader to address the voices of voiceless women and marginalized groups in Nepal specially that of Southern Plains and Madhesh. She was elected to the Constituent Assembly in 2013 and played a significant role in drafting Nepal's first Federal Constitution 2015. As chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Women, Children, Senior Citizens, and Social Welfare, she contributed to the creation of crucial legislation. Recently in December 2022, she was re-elected to the Federal Parliament, she prioritizes socio-economic development in Madhesh Province and ensuring fundamental rights such as education, health, and citizenship through effective lawmaking and monitoring.
Hon. Dr. Ram Kumar Phuyal Member of National Planning Commission (NPC), Government of Nepal Dr. Ram Kumar Phuyal, Member of the National Planning Commission (NPC) of the Government of Nepal primarily oversees activities in the NPC belonging to economic sectors such as; Industry, Commerce, Supply, Culture, Tourism, Civil Aviation, Labour, Employment, Social Security, and Statistics sectors. He also directs the progress monitoring on targets within the Sustainable Development Goals and coordination of Bagmati province development activities at the NPC. He has contributed significantly in drafting and formulation of the 15th and 16th five-year periodic plan, and he also guided the formulation of the periodic plans in subnational and local level governments of Nepal.
Dr. Krishna Belbase Life Member and Advisor of Community of Evaluators - Nepal (CoE-Nepal) Dr. Krishna Belbase is an international development and evaluation expert with 3 decades of experience. From 1992-2017, he held progressively responsible positions with the United Nations Children’s Fund in various roles involving program management, policy advocacy and evaluation covering both development and humanitarian fields. Dr. Belbase has a solid academic background with a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University, USA. He has travelled to more than 60 countries and presented in many international conferences. He has served as Board Member/Advisor of CoE Nepal since 2018 and has been a member of United Nations Evaluation Groups, International Development Evaluation Association, European Evaluation Society, American Evaluation Association and EvalSDGs in various years.
Prabin Chitrakar Chairperson of Community of Evaluators - Nepal (CoE-Nepal) Mr. Prabin Chitrakar, Chairperson of Community of Evaluators - Nepal (CoE-Nepal) has over twenty years of involvement in the social and developmental sector. Mr. Chitrakar was the founding Treasurer of the CoE-Nepal in 2011 and since then has been actively involved in the organization’s activities. With a dedicated focus on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for more than 14 years, he has managed and conducted different studies, research, and evaluations of the Nepal Government, UN Agencies, and I/NGOs, etc. Additionally, he has been playing an active role in enhancing the Evaluation capacity, knowledge development, and advocating for quality evaluation practices in Nepal.
Dr. Gana Pati Ojha Executive Board Member of Chairperson of Community of Evaluators - Nepal (CoE-Nepal) Dr. Gana Pati Ojha has above 30 years of experience in development. For the last 20 years he has been actively involved in research and evaluation with state and non-state actors in different countries in Asia both as a team leader/sole evaluator and team member. He is a founder Vice-Chairperson (2011-2013), the Chairperson (2013 – 2017) and thereafter an executive board member of CoE-Nepal. He has studied evaluation in his Masters and PhD programmes and has used different approaches of evaluation in his work including contribution analysis, appreciative inquiry, and value for money in addition to other common approaches to evaluation. He has conducted over 40 evaluations or evaluation related works in more than a dozen of the countries. He is actively involved in promoting evaluation in Nepal and South Asian countries through facilitation, conducting research on evaluation, networking, supporting for developing evaluation policy framework, capacity building and working for creating enabling environment for evaluation use. He is interested in building evaluation knowledge and facilitating for creating enabling environment of evaluation.


Nome Título Biography
Sunaina Sharma Gyawali Treasurer of Community of Evaluators - Nepal (CoE-Nepal) Ms. Sharma is a dedicated and proficient professional with a wealth of experience in diverse sectors, including Women's Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI), Human/Women's Rights, and Combatting Girls Trafficking. With over a decade of experience, she has excelled in roles encompassing Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Design and Implementation, Research and Study, Facilitation, and Report Writing. Currently she serves as a treasurer of Community of Evaluators – Nepal (CoE-Nepal). She holds dual Master's degree in Sociology and Social Work from the Universities of Nepal.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Evaluation users Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Acadêmicos Civil Society Youth Activist Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Governance

Detalhes do evento
