Evaluation and Transformational Change: driving sustainable change in agriculture

Webinar | Online

About the Event

Implementation of agriculture research and adoption of sustainable agriculture practices are complex challenges which require new evaluation approaches as well as strategies for facilitating societal transformation. In this session we will delve into emerging practices and their applications to agriculture change, highlighting the key role of broad and meaningful participation, interdisciplinary collaboration and systems thinking.

This session is led by EvalForward members who will share their experiences to contribute to gLOCAL2024's theme Evaluation and transformational change. It will feature:

Impact Weaving for stronger agriculture research impact pathways: Impact Weaving is designed to enhance the credibility and contextual applicability of new agricultural technologies. Examples on eco-efficient raw sugar burners and new cassava varieties in Colombia will show the pathway to support widespread use of these technologies and the contribution of research to this process.

Integrating the Theory of Change (TOC) and Jurisdictional Approach (JA) for sustainable palm oil: the experience of integrating Theory of Change into a Jurisdictional Approach to encourage sustainable palm oil practices in Indonesia and how collaboration, collective leadership and participatory approaches enhanced the preparedness of palm oil-producing regions to develop and implement the Sustainable Palm Oil Regional Action Plan.

Systems thinking in agricultural evaluation: a reflection on the role of systems thinking in agricultural evaluation, emerging tools, and how leading organizations in agricultural development are incorporating these approaches into their strategies to foster agricultural transformation and sustainable food systems.


Nome Título Biography
Anna Maria Augustyn international consultant, Poland Experienced international consultant in evaluation, agriculture, environment, research, technology and innovation. Throughout 15+ years of her career she has collaborated with various international agencies, NGOs and private sector companies. Addressing development challenges through building capacities of stakeholders, MEL and participatory approaches are at heart of her practice.
Genowefa Blundo Canto Senior Researcher, Cirad, France Genowefa is part of the ImpresS team of Cirad, a unit dedicated to evaluation of agricultural research interventions, which uses a multidimensional approach to evaluation and applies mixed methods and participatory approaches, depending on the evaluation question/s and the overall evaluation objective. Previously based at Bioversity International and at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, she has a PhD in development economics and has 10+ years of experience in impact evaluation.
Monica Azzahra Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment (MELIA) specialist at CIFOR-ICRAF, Indonesia Monica is a MELIA Specialist at CIFOR-ICRAF, a global research organization dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation, and equity, with 10 years’ experience in monitoring, evaluation, and program development. She holds certifications in Theory of Change and Design Thinking for Development Program and a Master of Management degree in Marketing Management. She has been involved with national and international NGOs and social consulting firms in Indonesia, supporting various issues in environmental, social, and local economic empowerment.


Nome Título Biography
Federica Bottamedi Evaluation Outreach Specialist, CGIAR Italy Federica Bottamedi is an independent evaluator, communication strategy consultant, and facilitator. She currently supports the evaluation function of the CGIAR Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service (IAES). Prior to joining IAES, she had been working on improving evaluation use and uptake as a Communications and Outreach Specialist and was directly involved in the management and conduct of evaluations at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Office of Evaluation. She holds an MSc in European International Relations and Diplomacy from the College of Europe, an MSc and a BSc in International Relations and Diplomacy from the University of Trieste.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners VOPEs / Evaluation networks Acadêmicos Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism

Detalhes do evento
