CEval-Evaluation Day: Thinking globally and acting locally for Evaluation Capacity Development


About the Event

The Center for Evaluation CEval at Saarland University in Germany is working for more than 15 years for improving the quality of evaluations and for empowering evaluators worldwide through Evaluation capacity development (ECD) initiatives. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Stockmann, chair of Sociology, is leading the Institute since its foundation. Nowadays about 15 persons are working at CEval as scientific and non-scientific staff. CEval is a unique research and training institution for evaluation in Germany, providing contributions to all four tracks of gLOCAL. CEval-Evaluation day is planned for June 3rd and will offer a broad overview on these activities. CEval is involved in several activities on Evaluation Capacity Development and this will be the main focus at CEval-Evaluation Day. Three activities will be presented: firstly, the blended learning study program on Evaluation MABLE, hosted by Saarland University in cooperation with the Distance Learning Center of the Technical University Kaiserslautern, offers a worldwide option for attaining an University Degree by adding e-learning to face-to-face trainings. Secondly, CEval is involved in the International Program for Development Evaluation Training IPDET, hosted at the University Bern and managed jointly by the Center for Continous Learning ZUW at University Bern, the Independent Evaluation Group IEG of World Bank and CEval. Due to the shut down caused by the Corona-crisis, IPDET 2020 has to be delivered in a different way and this will be announced here. Finally, CEval is involved into University cooperations with two Universities in Latin America, the University Costa Rica UCR in San Jose, Costa Rica, and the Catholic University PUCE in Quito, Ecuador. There will be some activities organized by both Partner Universities and some will be included into the CEval-Evaluation Day in Spanish language.
CEval is also very active in Evaluation Methods, three research projects will be presented: the Evaluation GLOBE, global stocktacking of the institutionalization of Evaluation, and methodologies for ex-ante evaluation. CEval is also working on sustainable development and sustainability for many years and therefore is doing research, evaluations and trainings on the Evaluation of SDGs. While one of CEval's staff is speaker of the European Evaluation Society Thematic Working Group Evaluating Sustainable Development, CEval provides a round table talk of experts on the Evaluation of SDGs for Evaluation 2030. CEval shows how global evaluation capacity development and research can be organized at local level - and invites interested people from all over the world to join these initiatives.


June 3, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
CEval-Evaluation Day starts with the presentation of MABLE, a unique blended-learning Masterprogram on Evaluation managed jointly by Saarland University and the Distaince Learining Institute of Technical University Kaiserslautern. It offers an opportunity to study evaluation at one of the leading places in Germany from everywhere and at reasonable prices. The session is divided in three parts. The first part gives an overview on MABLE, its organization and how one can apply. The second part delivers some impressions from the last f2f-meeting in February 2020, one of two one-week-meetings during the two year study program. The final part introduces e-Learning and its didactical background. It gives an idea of how to work on OLAT e-learning platform and shows some parts of a Video-conference seminar.


Nome Título Biography
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocational Training.
Sylvia Stoll MA Program manager and tutor for MABLE

June 3, 2020 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The Evaluation GLOBE is a global research project managed and financed by CEval itself. It aims on a global stocktaking of the institutionalization of evaluation on national level. The results will be published in a book series by Palgrave Macmillan, including four volumes on Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia. Each Reader will include country chapters written by well-experienced country experts and comparative parts written by the editors. By using a shared analysis scheme, the comparability of each chapter will be guaranteed. The first book on Europe has been published in April 2020 and is now available on the market. For the second volume on the Americas, all draft chapters are available and the editors are just working on the comparison. The third volume on Africa will be prepared this year (e.g. choosing countries, contacting potential authors, appointing them and starting the research process). This session will present an overview on the whole project and its theoretical as well as its methodological framework, share some results on Europe, give an opportunity to chat with the editors and some of the authors, present first results on Latin America and give an outlook on the next steps for the volume on Africa. The purpose of this session is to inform interested evaluators about the project and its results, invite them to join the debates on institutionalization of Evaluation and to offer opportunities for cooperating with us for the volumes on Africa and Australasia. Evaluation is still at an early stage of its global institutionalization and the overaching goal is to share experiences for strengthening the struggle for better evaluation worldwide. The session will be divided in six steps, accompaigned by moderated chats and the opportunity to ask questions to the authors. After a short introduction, explaining the idea, historical background and the scientific purpose of the GLOBE project, the theoretical and methodological framework will be explained in more details. The third part is on the comparative results in Europe, explaining the institutionalization of evaluation in the political systems, the civil society and the system of professions. Some country authors will be asked to meet the session and share their national results in a roundtable talk (due to availability restrictions, maybe this roundtable must be recorded in advance and only a live chat is possible). The fifth part is on Latin America, giving a short insight into first comparative results and the current state of research, followed by a brief overview on the preparance of the African research, including Information on how to join and contribute. At the end of this session, the editors will answer some of the questions personally or in a chat.


Nome Título Biography
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocaltional Training.
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Niklas Zierke MA Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, responsible for the African Volume of the GLOBE
Laszlo Szentmarjay MA Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, responsible for the Americas Volume of the GLOBE

June 3, 2020 14:00 PM - 15:00 PM
Roundtable talk in cooperation with European Evaluation Society TWG 2. Topic: the state of the art and the probable impact of the Corona Crisis on commissioning SDG-evaluations. Invided Speakers are Andrealisa Belzer, Weronika Felics and Benoit Simon. Format (total 60 minutes): 1: 5 min Introduction by Wolfgang 2: 15 min Short introductory statement by each presenter (5 min each if 3 presenters) 3: 20 min discussion of the topic 4: 20 minu answer questions from participants ( added during a chat or during live-session) Descriptopm_ Evaluators may be able to support transformative change to meet public health and economic priorities, by leveraging increased awareness of the links among biospheric, social, and economic SDG outcomes, as well as increased awareness of global interdependence; and a strong climate of public cooperation for mutual protection; The wake of the pandemic could create a change in appetite in the evaluation market from incremental or reform-oriented evaluation projects to evaluative processes that integrate systems thinking, uncertainty, and adaptive management; Covid has amplified awareness of the link between de-colonization and environmental conservation, including food security and prevention of new diseases. There is increasing recognition that Indigenous evaluation and Made in African evaluation is important to self-determination and local wellbeing of local people, advancing national and global commitments such as the UN Decade for People of African Descent and UNDRIP. In addition, respect for multiple ways of knowing, traditional biocentric values are gaining recognition as integral to commitments and SDGs re: biodiversity and climate change. Questions about the possible impact of Covid-19 on SDG Evaluation: 1) Impact on resources for evaluation (financial support for evaluating SDGs): Will there be a cut of evaluation Budgets due to the up-coming economic Crisis? -Weronika to share experiences with a previous crisis in Poland (huge EU funds evaluation market) and refer to global chances for common advocacy by IOCE and Evalpartners in light of such global trends. 2) Impact on policy focus (political support for evaluating SDGs): Will there be a change in policy focus from sustainable development to health issues (particular for strengthening public health in the global south)? Will there be significant changes in sustainable development policy (emphasis on economy instead of environment or social)? - Benoit to add on these questions 3) Regional Differences in Impact Will there be significant differences between Europe and North America? - Andrealisa to add on this


Nome Título Biography
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Andrealisa Belzer Senior Evaluation Advisor Andrealisa Belzer chairs the Canadian Evaluation Society Sustainability Working Group and participates in EvalIndigenous and the Blue Marble Evaluation Network.
Weronika Felcis MA Weronika Felcis is a Secretary in IOCE Executive Committee and a member of the Executive Committee of Evalpartners. In 2014 she became president of the Polish Evaluation Society. Since 2017 she has been a Board member of the European Evaluation Society.
Benoit Simon Directeur Associe Benoit SIMON, member of the SFE and EES, is an evaluator for 20 years, working on the evaluation of environment and SD policies, managing partner of Planète Publique, a consulting firm in the field of evaluation of public policies.

June 3, 2020 13:00 PM - 14:00 PM
As a scientific research institute, CEval is contributing to many facets of research on evaluation. While the GLOBE-project is more of academic interest, this session will over some insights into research of more practical use. The CEO of CEval-company Dr. Stefan Silvestrini, responsible for conducting a broad variety of different evaluations, is presenting his approach for ex-ante-evaluations and the methods in doing so. The purpose of this approach is its practicability and to explain the necessarity of ex-ante evaluations as a part of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems. After the presentation, Dr. Stefan Silvestrini will be available for a live discussion on this issue.


Nome Título Biography
Stefan Silvestrini Dr. CEO of CEVal GmbH

June 3, 2020 17:00 PM - 19:00 PM
This session will be held in Spanish and linked to the contributions of three Universities (PUCE, UCR, UdS) to gLOCAL. It focus on the results of a longlasting cooperation and exchange program of the three Universities in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Germany on Evaluation Capacity Development. The partners will inform about their contributions and the results reached during the cooperation. More details will be added until end of April.


Nome Título Biography
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocaltional Training.
Patricia Nelly Carrera Burneo Head of Cooperation Program Ecuador Responsible for University Cooperation at Human Department of PUCE
Olman Villareal Guzman Head of Cooperation Program Costa Rica Responsible for University of Costa Rica

June 3, 2020 15:00 PM - 16:00 PM
Interview with Stefanie Krapp, head of the IPDET program, about the content, the new plans of the 2020 delivery due to the Covid-19 crisis and the ways to join the IPDET events (and community). There will be three parts of IPDET: a hackathon for identifying new issues and developing appropriate issues, a set of online-trainings with famous experts, and a mini-series on specific topics. Stefanie Krapp will explain more details and how to apply.


Nome Título Biography
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocaltional Training.
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Steffi Krapp Dr. Head of IPDET Program
Jason Mayfield Senior Operations Officer IPDET and CLEAR Coordinator

June 3, 2020 19:00 PM - 20:00 PM
Evaluation GLOBE: 1) Overview GLOBE-project; 2) Introduction to the Evaluation GLOBE concept; 3) Results from Europe; 4) Some examples for country results in Europe; 5) First Results from the Americas; 6) The Volume on Africa - state of the art (replay of the morning session, targeting on people from Latin America who had not been able to visit the morning session). The live chat will be in Spanish, but no opportunity to discuss directly with authors.


Nome Título Biography
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocaltional Training.
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Niklas Zierke MA Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, responsible for the African Volume of the GLOBE
Laszlo Szentmarjay MA Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, responsible for the Americas Volume of the GLOBE

June 3, 2020 16:00 PM - 17:00 PM
Presentation of MABLE: 1) Overview on CEval-Evaluation day; 2) Welcome Note; 3) Introduction to MABLE; 4) Impressions from f2f-meeting in February; 5) Introduction to Blended Learning; 6) Working on OLAT-Platform; 7) Video-conference Seminar


Nome Título Biography
Wolfgang Meyer Adjunct Professor Dr. Vice-Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Environment, Labor Market and Regional Development.
Reinhard Stockmann Professor Dr. Founder and Director of the Center for Evaluation; Founding Member of the German Evaluation Society; Member of the European Evaluation Society; Sociologist with a focus on Empirical Methodology; Evaluation Specialist in the field of Development Evaluation and Vocaltional Training.
Sylvia Stoll MA Head of MABLE Program

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Setor Privado Formuladores de políticas públicas Profissionais de M&A Estudantes

Detalhes do evento
