Role of Needs Assessment in achieving 2030 Development Agenda


About the Event

Introduction to Sattva:
Sattva is an organization driven by the mission to end poverty in our lifetime. Our work focuses on scalable solutions for sustainable social impact. We work with our clients - corporations, philanthropists, foundations and social organizations - to achieve social impact goals effectively and maximize the social return on their investment. Deep understanding across sectors and collaboration with multiple stakeholders drive our work. This approach helps us and our clients develop holistic solutions for solving critical societal problems.

Sattva has conducted more than 80 evaluations including needs assessments, process and impact evaluations in India and Africa. We have worked with Corporates, Foundations and NGOs in conducting needs assessments across various geographies in India to find the needs of the communities linked to different thematic areas such as Education, Healthcare, Livelihoods, WaSH, Skill Development among others. Sattva follows a unique approach in conducting needs assessments which captures all the different perspectives through primary and secondary research. We have been successful in finding the needs of the community and getting them addressed by advising our clients through evidence-based program designing. Further, Sattva also helped the clients in finding the right implementation partners for execution on the ground.

The webinar will focus on addressing the following questions:

a. What is Needs Assessment?
b. Why is Needs Assessment important before designing a social development program?
c. How is a Needs Assessment different from a Baseline Assessment?
d. When should a Needs Assessment be done and by whom?
e. What are the steps involved in doing a Needs Assessment study?
f. How to interpret the results of a Needs Assessment study?
g. How can a Needs Assessment study help in designing social development programs to achieve the SDGs?


Nome Título Biography
Surya Banda Engagement Manager Surya comes with diverse experience in Public Policy Research and M&E. Surya previously worked as a Senior Policy Associate at J-PAL South Asia. He worked with different state governments in scaling up evidence-based programs and supported researchers in conducting Randomized Evaluations.
Jyothsna Yasarapu Senior Consultant Jyothsna is a senior consultant with the assessments team at Sattva. She has experience in designing and implementing key evaluation projects across corporates and non-profits. She has led assessment of large scale programs in multiple sectors including skilling, livelihood development and financial
Pawan Kumar Senior Engagement Manager Pawan leads Consulting Services in Bengaluru, working with CSR, CSO, Foundations and Social Enterprises across Strategy, Capacity Building, Assessment, and Programme Management projects. He has over 9 years of experience in the private and development sectors.

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