Issues, challenges and innovations in program evaluations


About the Event

Participants will learn about issues and challenges which are usually encountered in designing and conducting evaluation studies, especially in fragile contexts. They will also learn about some best practices and innovations in evaluation studies.


June 4, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
The panellists will discuss real-world challenges of evaluating humanitarian and development programs. They will generate discussions about practical challenges and issues related to resource allocation, designing, executing and utilizing evaluations.


Nome Título Biography
Yasir Warraich Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation Specialist The presenter is a development evaluation practitioner for the last 12 years and has remained part of various internal and external performance and impact evaluations of development and humanitarian programs.
Sultan Haider Senior Manager MEAL Sultan Haider is Senior Manager MEAL, International Rescue Committee. He has over 15 years work experience. Previously, he worked with Church World (now named as Community World Service).

June 4, 2020 11:40 AM - 13:00 PM
The panellists will discuss best practices, innovations and trends in evaluations. and bring out experiences from organizations such Benezir Income Support Program 's (BISP) national socio-economic registry (NSER), which is the cornerstone of BISP's conditional and unconditional cash transfer programs. They will highlight the importance of scientific means used for beneficiary targeting and objective evaluations of social protection programs in Pakistan. They will specifically focus on the importance of using a good-mix of planning, targeting and performance measurement approaches. They will also share first hand insights as how remote third-party monitoring can be employed in the current context of COVID-19.


Nome Título Biography
Rehmat Karim M&E Expert Rehmat Karim is working as MEL Specialist at Pakistan Capacity Development Services - Small Business Set Aside (PCDS-SB) which is a project of USAID in Pakistan. Previously, he worked as M&E Specialist at BISP, as Senior Manager M&E at FATA-ESP, as Head of MER at SPO and as Manager Project Management at LEAD Pakistan. He has over 20 years of work experience and is a LEAD Fellow (cohort-14), has a certificate in Cost & Management Accountancy and post-grade degrees in Business Administration and Project Management.
Saeed Ullah Khan Principle Consultant Saeed Ullah Khan, a senior development practitioner with a niche in monitoring and evaluation in fragile contexts. Currently he is working at GLOW Consulting as Principle Consultant. Previously, he worked with SDC as Humanitarian advisor. He also Served as CD Norwegian Refugee Council. He his post graduation in Development Economics from Sussex UK

Topics and Themes

Acadêmicos NA-Government Officials Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos Profissionais de M&A Estudantes

Detalhes do evento
