Strengthening National M and E Systems: A success story of Uganda


About the Event

The Uganda National M and E system has been featured in the African continent as being robust and exemplary. Indeed Uganda has developed for the early 1990S of being donor dependent on M and E to now an established and well-structured system. The country boosts of a central coordinating agency, champions, M and E Policy, M and E standards and an evaluation association (VOPE). The main question here is how did Uganda graduate to where we are today?

This webinar will feature presenters from different backgrounds sharing their stories on how they have contributed to the development and advancement of the National M and E of Uganda.

The expected outcome of this webinar is for the audience to learn how to strengthen National M and E systems in their countries.


名称 标题 Biography
Matthew Lubuulwa President Matthew is the current president of Uganda Evaluation Association, prior to his election, he served as Vice President of the Association between 2018 -2020. He has over 13 years experience in M&E working with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development of the Republic of Uganda.
Josephine Watera Vice President Josephine is the Vice president of Uganda Evaluation. She has previously served as General Secretary of the same Association and a Board member of IDEAS. She is the Current Assistant Director M&E Division in the Parliament of Uganda

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 政策制定者 评价从业者 学生

