Panel discussion on evidence-based decision making in the Western Cape, challenges and changes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic


About the Event

It is all very well to produce M&E evidence but is it used? The importance of using evidence to inform policy and practice has come to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic. Decisions need to be made – what does the evidence say? How can the evidence help us through the difficult transitions coming up arising from climate change, ecosystems breakdown, persistent inequality?
And how has the use of M&E evidence changed since the start of the pandemic – what have been the successes, challenges, new imperatives/strategies? This will be explored from a variety of perspectives (provincial government, sector specific, NGO, funder etc), in a province which is a pioneer in M&E and has responded dynamically to the pandemic, adjusting its M&E systems.
This panel will explore why evidence use matters, how evidence has been used in the Western Cape during the pandemic, and how it can take us towards the future we need.
A panel of local evidence use champions will present recent case studies (5 mins each) of using M&E evidence for policy/ planning/ implementation, to surface what works, doesn’t work well, has changed etc since the start of the pandemic. Then there will be 10 minutes where each panellist can ask questions of each, or from the moderator. Then we will open up to audience questions.


名称 标题 Biography
Professor Ian Goldman Moderator is an Advisor: Evaluation and Evidence Systems at CLEAR Anglophone Africa and has worked in 20 countries. He led the establishment of South Africa’s National Evaluation System, and has just researched and published a book Using Evidence in Policy and Practice – lessons from Africa.
Zeenat Ishmael Panelist is the Chief Director: Strategic Management Information, Department of the premier in the Western Cape Government. She has been a data, monitoring and evaluation champion, with over 30 evaluations undertaken in the Western Cape, as well as pioneering different approaches in the pandemic.
Kayin Scholtz Panelist is an Early Childhood Development Resource Manager at the DG Murray Trust, an important foundation in South Africa. Kayin studied social work, and then policy and management. He joined the non-profit sector in 2012. Since then he has worked at educational non-profit organisations (SAEP, Nalíbali)
Dirk Troskie Panelist Dirk Troskie is the Director: Business Planning and Strategy, Western Cape Department of Agriculture. He has led the evaluation work in the department since 2011, which is a pioneer in Africa in systematically using evaluation across the whole portfolio of their work.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 评价从业者 学生

