Dissemination of Rapid Evaluation Findings for Kericho and Kilifi Counties to multi-stakeholders

Virtual conference

About the Event

Multi-stakeholders participating in the event will have access to the disseminated findings of the rapid evaluation capacity in the health and water sectors of Kilifi and Kericho Counties in Kenya. They will then be engaged in participatory dialogue and learning from the presentations.
The County leaders in charge of M&E and other stakeholders will be able to apply the information to make better informed decisions toward performance improvement.


May 31, 2021 15:00 PM - 15:30 PM
Convening the event, having people log in and having introduction of guests.


名称 标题 Biography
Ms. Jenifer Mutua ESK Founder and Ex-official Jennifer Mutua is the Founder and immediate former chair of ESK. An M&E, Gender, Programme and organizational development specialist, Jennifer has over 10 years’ experience at national, regional and global levels. She has participated in evaluation consultancy teams under the World Bank, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), DFID-funded AgDevCo’s, UNDP/ MDGs’ Achievement Fund and UN International Atomic Energy’s (IAEA). Ms Mutua is a trained national climate change expert with the UNFCCC. Previously she was a regional programme officer for Eastern and Horn of Africa for FAWE. As M&E Specialist seconded by UNDP, Jennifer provided technical support to Kenya’s National Integrated Monitoring & Evaluation System (NIMES), under the Ministry of Planning/Monitoring & Evaluation Department (MED). Under her leadership through the joint MED/ESK collaborations Kenya was declared winner of the 2018 “EVALPARTNERS/EVALSDGs Global Outcomes Competition” towards promoting the evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their linkages to the Vision 2030. Jennifer is a runner-recepient of the 2018 African Evidence Leadership Award. She was recognized among the 2016 Nation Media Business Daily’s, “Women in Top Corporate Leadership”, in Kenya. Formerly she was Eastern Africa board representative to the African Evaluation Association (AFREA). She represented AFREA at the IOCE/EvalPartners Global Movement’s Management Group in 2012-2013. Ms Mutua holds an MA in Gender and Development from the University of Nairobi. Her academic achievements are augmented with professional training in M&E, policy, programme management and gender from the University of Antwerp (Belgium), Carlton University (Canada), UNESCO/SACMEQ (France), Wageningen University (Netherlands) and Mount Carmel Training Center (Israel), among others. She holds a certificate in the Executive Leadership Programme training in Evaluation and the SDGs by UNITAR and Claremont University. Jennifer has participated in numerous international conferences and meetings, including as presenter and panelist.
Julius M. Limbitu ESK CEO Julius M. Limbitu is a community development expert, with over 15 years’ experience of working in development project design, proposal writing, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, research, organizational learning, reporting and scaling up. Before joining the Evaluation Society of Kenya (ESK) as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Julius has been teaching at the university, including courses in Monitoring and Evaluation, Community Development, Development Policy and Strategies, HIV/AIDS and Development, Research Methods, Project Management, Leadership and Governance. In the year 2010 to 2016, Julius did consultancy in an Agricultural Research Institute in the project cycles of: bean crop value chain, gender based agricultural productivity of bean crop, climate change and protein food security among under five year old children, socio-cultural aspects of protein food security, gender mainstreaming in protein food security, and local community capacity for bean crop production and marketing. The work included baseline survey, continuous monitoring for learning and performance improvement, mid-term evaluation and end-line evaluations. He also had been working in the Civil Society sector in HIV/AIDS and development programming, rising to the position of Program Director. Julius is working on PhD in Leadership-Governance, and has MA in Community Development. He brings in a wealth of knowledge and skills in sustainable development work, monitoring and evaluation, engagement with multi-stakeholder partners and organizational leadership and management.

June 1, 2021 15:00 PM - 17:00 PM
This session will give background information on M&E practice in the public sector


名称 标题 Biography
David Waga Mr Mr. David Waga is the representative of the Kenya Government's Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation.
Philemon Yugi Dr. Dr. Philemon Yugi is an expert in monitoring and evaluation. He is the head of the department of development studies at Daystar University, where monitoring and evaluation studies are done.

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 一般公众 政策制定者 评价从业者 学生

