The Role of Parliamentarians in Africa's Post-COVID-19 Recovery


About the Event

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected people worldwide – causing countries to submit to strict measures including lockdowns, travel restrictions and working from home. Many African nations have had to close their borders, and develop response plans to tackle the disease. More than a year later, the pandemic is still a current affair and multiple initiatives such as testing protocols/centres, Covid-19 treatments facilities, and vaccination rollouts are being applied to create a safer environment and a return to pre Covid-19 norms.

Throughout the evolution of the pandemic, African parliaments have been actively involved in the prevention and recovery processes. At the onset of the outbreak, the executive branch of government in many African countries took the lead on the outbreak response with the backing of parliaments. Parliaments, however, were active in the process - raising awareness, and supporting the executive to effect tax cuts, reduce and/or waive the cost of utilities, address health gaps, and societal challenges arising from the disruption of daily lives. Going forward, as Africa looks to its post-recovery phase, Parliamentarians need to again be at forefront of efforts. MPs will need to ensure resilience of economies, and that stimulus and recovery packages adopted are people-centered. Parliaments will further need to shore up public health systems such that lessons from the covid-19 pandemic inform efforts of resilience going forward.

Thus, this webinar will discuss the invaluable role of parliamentarians in the fight against the coronavirus and recovery process. It will focus on the concrete actions and processes parliamentarians have put in place for the continent to come out of the crisis – including how they have leveraged evidence-use and evaluation to inform the decisions taken and their oversight function. Discussion will also address the relations the legislature is maintaining with the executive to ensure an effective post-recovery process, as well as highlight the challenges envisaged.

This webinar will include simultaneous interpretation (English & French).


名称 标题 Biography
Ms. Josephine Watera Head, Monitoring and Evaluation Division Ms. Josephine Watera has over ten years working experience in program designing, implementation, performance management, evidence-based decision making and M&E. Her areas of expertise include parliamentary systems, public sector management, gender, youth and development, and governance.
Senator Langton Chikukwa Senator and Chairperson of APNODE Zimbabwe Chief Nechombo, Senator Langton Chikukwa, is a member of the National Assembly of Zimbabwe, representing the Mashonaland East constituency. He also serves as a Member of APNODE Executive Committee, and Chairperson of APNODE National Chapter Zimbabwe.
Hon. Elise Pokossy Doumbe Member of Parliament and Chairperson of APNODE Cameroon Hon. Elise Pokossy Doumbe is a Parliamentarian with the National Assembly of Cameroon. She also is founding member of APNODE, and the current Chairperson of the APNODE National Chapter in Cameroon.
Senator Sylvia Mueni Kasanga Senator and Vice-Chair of the Ad hoc Committee on the Covid-19 Sylvia Mueni Kasanga is a Nominated Member of Parliament in the Senate, representing Affirmative Action, as well as an Active Advocate for the Construction Profession. She is practicing and RIBA Chartered Architect, as well as an Arbitrator with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK & Kenya.
Hon. Rahhal El Makkaoui Member of Parliament and APNODE Executice Committee member. Hon. Rahhal El Makkaoui, is a member Parliament, and Chairman of the Finance, Planning and Economic Development Committee at the House of Councilors (Moroccan Parliament). He also is an APNODE Executive Committee member.
Mr. Germain Mbav Yav Advisor to the Senate’s Research Department, Democratic Republic of Congo Mr. Germain Mbav Yav, is an Advisor to the Senate’s Research Department, Democratic Republic of Congo & APNODE Member.

Topics and Themes

NA-Government Officials 一般公众 政策制定者 评价从业者

