Practical Evaluation Capacity Development: Lessons from South Asia


About the Event

Evaluation capacity development (ECD) is at a critical crossroads in the Global South, especially South Asia. While evaluation demand has increased exponentially, the supply of skilled evaluators has not. ECD is challenged to be contextual, culturally responsive along with methodological rigour. Three Global South panellists share insights from years of experience about: 1) lessons learned using diverse pedagogy methods and tools online and offline 2) scope of civil society networks to address grassroots ECD needs and 3) learnings related to institutional based ECD. The panel will discuss the relevance of innovative ECD frameworks, ECD ownership and challenges in system integration.


名称 标题 Biography
Sonal Zaveri EvalGender+ Co-Chair and Convenor GENSA, Gender and Equity Network South Asia +25 evaluation experience; Co-chair EvalGender+, founder member, former Vice-President and current Board Member of the regional Community of Evaluators South Asia, Convener of GENSA, Gender and Equity Network South Asia. Works with feminist, participatory approaches, outcome mapping and UFE.
Sabeena Mathayas PhD Vice President – Research & Advisory Services Responsible for steering and coordinating the technical aspects of Sambodhi's work in the area of education and skill. Over the last 14 years, she has worked as a professor, policy researcher, and capacity development specialist for several projects such as ObamaCare’s MNSure Exchange, and others
Bijita Devsharma Research Consultant (Course Anchor-FGTE 2.0) An independent development practitioner with 13+ years of experience in program design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning. Her thematic expertise are in the areas of Child rights & Child protection, Education and Gender. She has worked extensively with participatory approaches.
Amrita Gupta Thematic Lead Research policy and Communications Development Researcher (Masters in Sociology and Public Health) with over fourteen years of experience in Research and Advocacy. Areas of specialisation include gender and vulnerable communities, women and young people’s livelihoods and health.

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 一般公众 政策制定者 评价从业者 学生 Education NA-National M&E Systems Youth in Evaluation

