VNRs and SDG evaluations in Anglophone Africa and Latin America: A mapping of common challenges and emerging good practices


About the Event

In 2021, the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA), the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEVAL) and the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Latin America and the Caribbean (CLEAR-LAC) formed an SDG Evaluation Working Group. This Working Group carried out a study to understand the extent to which SDG evaluation is embedded as part of governance and development processes in Africa and Latin America. Through this study, the SDG Evaluation Working Group seeks to highlight the key sources of evidence that inform the 8 selected countries’ VNRs and the extent to which SDG evaluations have been considered as a key input in VNR development. The countries from Anglophone Africa considered in this study are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, and Uganda, while the countries from Latin America are Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Mexico. The objective of the panel is to share the findings of the study on the use of SDG evaluation evidence when measuring the progress made by African and Latin American countries vis-à-vis achieving the 17 SDGs.


名称 标题 Biography
Karina Retama Consultor independiente Independent consultant and former Communications Manager at the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results – Latin America and the Caribbean (CLEAR-LAC).
Dirk Hoffmann Evaluator Evaluator at German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval).
Dr. Ayabulela Dlakavu Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Specialist Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Specialist at the Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results-Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA).

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