Evaluating under Emergency context


About the Event

This panel will be on Evaluating under emergency context. It will count with two main sections, one on country case studies from different UN Agencies, as well as section on Lesons learned. The proposed Agenda is as follows:

-5 min: Introduction of United Nations Network for Evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa (UNNESSA)

Country Case Studies
-10 min: Ongoing– IOM’s emergency programme work in Ethiopia, Daniel Assefa (supported by Laura Smith), IOM
-10 min: Completed - Evaluation of Level 2 Emergency in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, Martina Bennett, UNICEF

Lessons Learned
-10 min: Lessons learned by FAO working under emergency, Olivier Cossee, FAO
-10 min: UNHCR Recommendations and lessons learned evaluating during emergencies, Malene Nielsen, UNHCR

-5 min: Questions and comments, All


名称 标题 Biography
Daniel Assefa Evaluation Specialist National Program Officer for Monitoring and Evaluation at International Organization for Migration in Ethiopia. With large experience working in the Non-governmental sector (Action Against Hunger, Save the Children, OXFAM).
Martina Bennett Evaluation Specialist Evaluation Consultant for UNICEF ESARO. She is the regional evaluation focal point responsibilities for Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi country offices, she has managed several regional and country programme evaluations as well as the Learning Focused Level 2 Emergency Response in Mozambique.
Malene Nielsen Evaluation Specialist Senior Regional Evaluation Officer in the East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes with UNHCR. She has worked for UNICEF, WFP and UNHCR in South-East and Central Asia, Europe and East Africa taking up assignments related to evaluation, monitoring, research, and capacity development.
Olivier Cossee Evaluation Specialist Senior Evaluator Officer with extensive experience serving at the United Nations. Currently working for the Food and Agriculture Organization. An agronomist by training and a generalist by inclination, he has evaluated large rural, natural resource management, and humanitarian development programs.
Violeta Leiva Evaluation and KM Specialist Evaluation Specialist, with advanced studies in Development and International Relations. Experienced in Partnership building, Evaluation, and KM, with several years of diversified experience working with the public and private sectors for major international organizations (OECD, FAO, UNIC).

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 一般公众 政策制定者 评价从业者 学生 NA-Humanitarian Crisis NA-Peace & Security NA-National M&E Systems

