Evaluating gender-transformative WASH: Insights and implications from Cambodia and Ghana through a novel measure


About the Event

In this interactive session, we will introduce the topic of gender-transformative WASH interventions and the challenges in measuring such complex change. Drawing on evaluations in Cambodia and Ghana we present insights from the use of a novel measure for gender-transformative WASH. We describe how the measure was contextualized for the two unique regions and how the findings have helped strengthen programming. Lastly, we will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of using quantitative measures to explore complex change.

This session will be held in the evening for our Southeast Asian colleagues and mid-day for our African colleagues.


名称 标题 Biography
Jess MacArthur Doctoral Researcher Jess MacArthur is a doctoral student at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, innovating ways to explore how women are impacted by water and sanitation programming in South and Southeast Asia.
Alhassan Hilda Wunniche Head of Evidence and Analytics Alhassan Hilda Wunniche is the Acting Head of Evidence and Analytics of iDE Ghana, leading a team of M&E experts to provide quality data for organisational impactful decision making in the Northern part of Ghana.
Alhassan Rasheed Evidence and Analytics Officer Alhassan Rasheed is an Evidence and Analytics Officer of iDE Ghana, tracking the progress and impact of programs being implemented by providing real-time and quality data for the organisation to use in making informed decision
Diana Gonzalez Botero Senior Research Consultant Institute for Sustainable Futures Diana is a Senior Research Consultant at the Institute for Sustainable Futures. Her applied research focuses on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and international development across Asia and the Pacific.

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 评价从业者 学生 Gender Responsive Evaluation NA-Water & Sanitation

