Navigating Research Ethics in Development Practice: Where do I Start?


About the Event

Research ethics and ethical review boards are often seen as something only academics worry about. But if practitioners undertake surveys, interviews, focus groups, field observations, or even use pre-existing data with identifiable information, their measurement activities may still fit the legal definition of human subjects research where collecting data. iDE is a global nonprofit implementing ethics protocols across all projects and is now creating its own accredited institutional review board (IRB); come learn how to find, understand, and navigate the requirements of each country’s laws.


名称 标题 Biography
Jennifer Roglà Director of Research and Evidence, iDE Global Jennifer Roglà, Ph.D., is the Director of Research and Evidence at iDE Global, and leads the implementation of gender, social inclusion, and decolonizing initiatives within the organization’s measurement activities in collaboration with her colleagues.
Alhassan Hilda Wunniche Head of Evidence and Analytics, iDE Ghana Alhassan Hilda Wunniche is the Head of Evidence and Analytics of iDE Ghana, leading a team of M&E experts to provide quality data for organisational impactful decision making in the Northern part of Ghana.

Topics and Themes

非营利机构 私营部门 评价从业者 学生 NA-Food Security & Nutrition Gender Responsive Evaluation Poverty NA-Social Justice NA-Water & Sanitation Climate Change Youth in Evaluation

