M&E from the ground up: lessons from monitoring the Swashakt program


About the Event

How can M&E frameworks for complex development programs be more inclusive and adaptive to ground realities? In developing capacity and supporting monitoring systems of grassroots projects promoting women’s economic empowerment across ten states of India, 3ie and grant management partner LEAD at Krea University are learning about enabling factors and trade-offs. In this session they share key milestones and lessons for developing and implementing an M&E framework for the measurement of complex outcomes along with implementers who are part of the Swashakt program in the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. 3ie launched the program, whose name means self-empowered in Hindi, in late 2020 with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Swashakt is supporting project implementation and evaluation to generate evidence around interventions that support women’s collective enterprises and enhance their viability, scalability and returns.
The session will discuss insights about building monitoring capacity inclusively and sensitively and what trade offs may be involved in collecting data for measures of women’s agency and economic empowerment. An expert discussant will help highlight what this experience may mean for innovating and recentering M&E.


名称 标题 Biography
Bidisha Barooah Leader, Gender and Livelihoods Bidisha Barooah leads 3ie's Swashakt Evidence Program and Livelihoods Research Program. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics..
Morchan Karthick Data Scientist, STREE and Swashakt, LEAD at Krea University Karthick leads strategic data science initiatives and provides technical assistance to National Rural Livelihoods Mission under LEAD's STREE initiative. He has worked across multiple sectors including MSME & Entrepreneurship, Digital Financial Services, Inclusive Finance and Public Health.
Madhu Khetan Integrator Madhu Khetan is Integrator at Delhi-based development organization PRADAN, overseeing programs, operations and monitoring & evaluation. In her role, she also influences and supports the National Rural Livelihood Mission on institution building for the 32,000 NRLM Cluster Level Federations (CLFs)
Tara Nair Professor Dr Tara Nair researches issues in policy and institutional development in pro-poor financial services, rural innovation, women and development and livelihoods.

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 私营部门 评价从业者 学生 Gender Responsive Evaluation Poverty NA-Social Justice

