Punjab State Data Policy


About the Event

The session aims to put forth the idea behind adoption of Data Policy in the state, and the imagination towards building a citizen centric, fiscally responsible, social benefits and public policy regime, respecting citizen's privacy.

About the Data Policy:

Objective - To facilitate easy access and sharing of Government-owned data, in an open format, for supporting sustainable and data-informed governance and effective planning, implementation and monitoring of developmental programmes, managing and mitigating disasters and scientific research aiding informed decisions, for the public good.

Vision - A data-driven governance ecosystem in the state where standards for legal and ethical management of data holdings and safe data practices are defined. Through PSDP greater data access, shareability and integration at the state level will be enabled towards achieving socio-economic development and inclusive growth by optimal utilization of data and technology.

Scope - Punjab State Data Policy shall apply to all data and information created, generated, collected, and processed using public funds provided by the Government of Punjab, Central Government funds, and also International donor organizations, directly or through authorized agencies by various Departments/ Organizations/Agencies and Autonomous bodies of the Punjab State.


名称 标题 Biography
Tejveer Singh Principal Secretary, Dept. of Governance Reforms Mr. Tejveer Singh is an IAS officer, currently serving in the Punjab cadre. He is the Principal Secretary for the Dept. of Governance Reforms.

Topics and Themes

专家学者 NA-Government Officials 非营利机构 政策制定者 评价从业者 Poverty NA-Social Justice NA-National M&E Systems

