EvalAgenda2030 - Global Collaboration for a Common Agenda

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About the Event

The new EvalPartners Country Strategic Plan 2023-2030 sets a vision where evaluation contributes to a wiser, more equitable, sustainable world. The recent adoption of Resolution A/RES/77/283, led by the Government of Nigeria and supported by EvalPartners, gives impetus to this vision as countries are called upon to use the evidence from evaluations for decision-making and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals. How will this vision play out in practice? Join the EvalPartners family for an interactive session at gLOCAL 2023, to hear from EvalPartners’ new co-chairs and others, how global collaboration for a common EvalAgena2030 is taking shape, including the planning of the fourth Global Evaluation Forum.


名称 标题 Biography
Kassem El-Saddik EVALSDGs Co-Chair Kassem El Saddik is an international expert in program evaluation who believes that evaluation matters for development. With more than 18 years of experience, Kassem has led and provided consulting services to various complex programs throughout North America, the Middle East, Africa, including fragile and conflict-affected environments. In addition to his track-record in national evaluation capacities, Kassem is credited for his deep engagement in civil society. He is EVALSDGs Co-Chair and a founder of the MENA Evaluation Network. He has contributed to various evaluation forums, drafted dozens of policy reviews, and co-authored the series of EVALSDGs/IIED policy briefs, including the Evaluation Guidebook.


名称 标题 Biography
Silvia Salinas EvalPartners Co-Chair Silvia Salinas-Mulder: Bolivian anthropologist & feminist, with a specialisation in Andean Studies and a Master’s degree in Decentralization and Public Administration. Thirty years of experience as senior consultant and evaluator in the social development sector. Recognised for her specialised though systemic and creative approaches to key poverty, development and exclusion topics. Advocator and facilitator of transformative planning, management and evaluation. Particularly interested in power issues, gender and diversity, ethics and intercultural relations. Leader and team member in several global and regional evaluations. Between December 2017 and May 2021 Chair of the Latin American and Caribbean Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network (ReLAC). In April 2021 elected President of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE)- Since January 2021 Co-chair of EvalPartners, the largest global alliance to promote evaluation. International speaker. Has written a vast number of publications on evaluation, gender and other development and human rights issues. Co-founded in 2017 a company dedicated to boost organizational and social innovation.

Topics and Themes

Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Youth Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Evaluation Networks Governance International Cooperation M&E for non traditional audiences Public Policy Youth in Evaluation

