The role of culture and context in assessing national evaluation capacities

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About the Event

The National Evaluation Capacities Index (INCE) initiative was developed in collaboration with a number of diverse stakeholders from the Latin America and the Caribbean region. The INCE presents a collaborative diagnostic that assesses evaluation capacities and practices in the field of public policies, programs and services. Recently, a working group with the participation of the government institutions has been established to undertake similar process in sub-Saharan Africa. For this roundtable, we will bring together key actors from national evaluation systems in LAC and Sub-Saharan Africa to discuss what cultural and contextual factors were taken into account when developing the INCE and how these aspects would need to be reflected in the Index if measure in Sub-Saharan Africa. Join us for this exciting cross-regional exchange!


名称 标题 Biography
Sarah Klier Team Leader, FOCELAC - DEval Sarah Klier has over ten years of professional experience in evaluation and evaluation capacity development (ECD) in partner countries. She head of DEval’s work towards building evaluation capacities and team leader of the ECD project Focelac+. Sarah Klier has worked extensively with national evaluation systems in Latin America and her most recent academic research examines a systemic ECD approach from a theoretical perspective. As part of her role at DEval, Sarah Klier has also contributed to developing a set of instruments for country portfolio reviews.
Sophie Kang’oma Director, Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Department of Economic Planning and Development, Government of Malawi Sophie Kang'oma is a Director of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division in the Department of Economic Planning and Development in Malawi.
Patricia Moreno Deputy Director for Evaluation, National Planning Department, Government of Colombia Patricia is a political scientist and holds a master's degree in economics from the Universidad de los Andes. She has held different positions as a monitoring and evaluation specialist in different entities at the national level and in international cooperation organizations. She is currently Deputy Director for Evaluation of the Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies of the National Planning Department in Colombia.
Francis Matita Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, UN Women, Malawi Francis is a seasoned social scientist with more than 19 years of intensive and progressive knowledge, and experience in monitoring, evaluation, and learning. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science and a Bachelor of Social Science both from the University of Malawi (Chancellor College). Currently working for UN Women Malawi office as a MER Specialist.
Maria Celeste Ghiano Coordinator, ReLAC Celeste is the current general coordinator of ReLAC (Latin America and the Caribbean Network of Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization) - 2021-2024. She is a Political Scientist, and holds a Ph.D. in Public Administration, with a dissertation about Professionalization in Evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Andrea Peroni Fiscarelli Associated Professor, University of Chile Andrea is sociologist and history professor with PhD. in American Studies. She coordinates the Interdisciplinary Nucleus in Evaluative Research, oriented on Public Decision. She is also co-founder of the Chilean Evaluation Network and consultant in evaluation and social policies, with publications in both areas. Andrea was member of the Executive Committee of RELAC (2013-2015) and Vice-Coordinator of RELAC (2018-2020).
Candice Morkel Director, CLEAR Anglophone Africa Candice Morkel is the Director of CLEAR Anglophone Africa and senior lecturer in Monitoring and Evaluation at Wits University in South Africa. She has 25 years' experience in government, academia and the non-profit sector, specialising in M&E and public policy.


名称 标题 Biography
Michala Assankpon Evaluation Officer, WFP Michala Assankpon works as Evaluation Officer in WFP’s Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the past decade she has been working in monitoring and evaluation in Sub-Saharan Africa and the LAC region. She co-facilitates the INCE LAC initiative.

Topics and Themes

Evaluation Comissioners VOPEs / Evaluation networks Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism

