Ethical Principles in Practice: A Framework for Implementing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Ethics in the International Development Sector

Training | Online

About the Event

There has been a lot of thoughtful guidance written on the dynamics, concerns, and importance of research ethics in the international development sector, but little guidance on how to actually implement ethical principles in organizations. NGOs face real barriers to funding, buy-in, tensions between top down standards and context, etc., when seeking to serve the needs of households, donors, IRBs, and other stakeholders with wide power differentials, which threatens harm to stakeholders. We will discuss specific strategies around MERL ethics implementation, while illustrating the case of iDE.

This event starts at 8:30 am Mountain Standard Time.
Access the even through the Zoom Link here:


名称 标题 Biography
Jennifer Roglà, Ph.D. Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning Jennifer Roglà, Ph.D., is the Global Director of Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning and leads iDE globally to ensure our rigorous measurement efforts are also inclusive, participatory, and ethical across our market systems work in sectors like agriculture, climate resilience, and WASH.
Lauren Riley, Ph.D Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Director Lauren Riley, Ph.D., is the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Director for iDE Global and works collaboratively across the organization to ensure GESI principles are integrated into organizational operations as well as programmatic work.
Eliza Fink Research and Ethics Coordinator Eliza Fink is the Research & Ethics Coordinator on iDE’s Global Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) team, where she supports the implementation of MERL plans/processes, data analysis for research and evaluation, and the promotion of ethical MERL practices across the organization.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation users Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Culturally Responsive Evaluation Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Gender Responsive Evaluation M&E for non traditional audiences Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

