One size does not fit all: How culturally responsive and contextual evaluations make a difference in addressing inequalities

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About the Event

What, how and for whom evaluation takes place in the quest for objectivity and neutrality often ignore the realities of context and culture in which the projects are embedded. The panelists will explore under-utilized local knowledge, evaluation theory and practice, providing examples from their evaluative practice: the first panelist provides a theoretical and methodological framework for using culturally responsive local wisdom in the practice of evaluation, the second uses the example of Bhutan to explore alternative ways of understanding local context, and the third panelist explores how context was systematically adapted to program design and evaluation in different countries.


名称 标题 Biography
Dr. Sonal Zaveri Founder and Coordinator GENSA Gender and Equity Network South Asia Sonal Zaveri is an independent consultant with 30 years’ experience in strategic planning, capacity building and evaluation and has worked in about 25 countries in Asia, East and West Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe. Her interests relate to how rights, participation and gender intersect. She is a co-designer of the first online gender and evaluation course in South Asia and core member of the S2SE – the Global South to South Evaluation initiative. She is the co-chair of EvalGender+, founder member, former Vice-President and current Board Member of the regional Community of Evaluators South Asia and the founder and convener of GENSA, Gender and Equity Network South Asia. She is a former Board Member of IOCE, and currently serves as a Board member on IDEAS and IEAc. Her evaluative experience is with Utilization focused evaluation, Outcome Mapping, participatory and feminist approaches to evaluation. Her current interest is in the use of local wisdom in evaluation and to contextualize evaluation in the Global South.
Dr. Phuntsho Choden Founder, EAB Evaluation Association of Bhutan, independent researcher Phuntsho Choden is an independent consultant and researcher in social economics, culturally responsive evaluation, social capital, and wellbeing. She received a PhD from Business School in Queensland University of Technology, Australia under QUT Postgraduate Research Award, Master of Business by Research in Economics from the same university, Master of Arts in International and Development Economics from University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, and a Bachelor of Economic (Honours) from Sherubtse College in Bhutan. She has over 20+ years of experience combined in government, academia, and the private sector. She started her career as a civil servant and worked for the government for more than a decade. Currently, she is the Chairperson to Evaluation Association of Bhutan, a member of the Board of Governance for Community of Evaluators South Asia and the advisor to YEE Bhutan. Additionally, she is the M&E advisor to RENEW, a CSO working for empowering women and girls in Bhutan. As an independent researcher, she also engages in academic work including teaching, research mentoring and as a reviewer. She is a passionate proponent of research and evaluation.
Bijita Devsharma MEL Specialist, RiseUp! Leadership Initiative, Asia-Pacific, World YWCA Bijita comes with 15+ years of extensive experience in leading gender transformative evaluation and learning-oriented evaluation approaches such as outcome mapping, development evaluation and utilization-focussed evaluation in designing frameworks that critically examine gender-norms and power-relations while studying impact, capturing shifts in experiences, perceptions, attitudes and transformative change. Bijita has been trained in facilitating participatory sessions and skill building exercises using tech tools. In her previous roles, she has done thematic work around SRHR, WASH, and Adolescent & Child Rights, Child Protection and Education. She holds an M.Phil and M.A. in Sociology from University of Delhi, India and has completed many professional certificate courses in feminist and development evaluation approaches. Bijita is currently a MEL Specialist at the World YWCA where she works closer to the YWCAs of the Asia-Pacific region for the monitoring, evaluation and learning of the Riseup! Leadership Initiative, leading the work on implementation of their feminist MEL framework


名称 标题 Biography
Dr Shweta Anand Assistant Professor in University of Delhi Dr. Shweta Anand, an academician by profession and an evaluation practitioner by passion, specializes in the area of Participatory Communication for Development. Scholarship holder from IPDET, she has more than 14 years of experience. Her research interests include gender, ICT4D, designing and evaluating media using participatory methods. She has been Communication Consultant to the Tibet Fund’s Strengthening Tibetan Medical Health System Project funded by USAID and CTA (Central Tibetan Administration), and has also provided technical assistance in creating community radio programmes and qualitatively assessing their impact. She is currently a core member of GENSA and is working as Assistant Professor in University of Delhi.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners VOPEs / Evaluation networks Culturally Responsive Evaluation Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Gender Responsive Evaluation Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

