Organisational Evaluation Framework

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About the Event

The session brings on panel evaluation experts from various sectors to discuss different frameworks and approaches used to evaluate organisations. Organisations, agencies and public sector enterprises which receive large investments from the government need to be evaluated from time to time as they are service and product providers to the public at large. If internal processes are inefficient and capacities are lacking, investments in such public organisations will result in an inefficient allocation of public funds. In the above context, DMEO has developed a framework that could be used to evaluate such organizations. The session will answer key questions like:
1. Why is there a need to evaluate the government organisations & institutions? What could be major objectives behind undertaking such evaluations?
2. What are the existing frameworks and approaches used for conducting such evaluations and assessment?
3. In the past, which organisations have been evaluated and what were the impact/results of such evaluation studies?
4. What kind of obstacles and challenges an evaluator majorly faces while undertaking such organisational evaluation and how to overcome them.
5. How technology can be used for a continuous monitoring and evaluation of these organisations?

The objectives of the session are to ensure that audience members:
• Rationale to evaluate government organisations and institutions.
• Understand various aspects and innovative ways for conducting the organisational assessment/evaluation
• Discuss the emerging approaches and frameworks being used in conducting organizational evaluations and lessons learnt from case studies and evaluations done in the past.


名称 标题 Biography
Ms. Sonia Pant DDG, DMEO, NITI Aayog Ms. Sonia Pant is an Indian Economic Service Officer (2001 Batch). She has about fifteen years of experience in multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations, with Trade in Services as an area of specialization having worked in the Department of Commerce. She has also served in the Permanent Mission of India to the WTO, Geneva, Switzerland from 2013-2016, looking after Trade in Services, E-commerce and Trade Remedies related work. She has worked in the Office of the Development Commissioner, Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises as Additional Development Commissioner looking after the implementation of various schemes related to technology development and cluster based interventions for the promotion of MSMEs in the country. She teaches at various training sessions and capacity building programs including at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, and the Institute of Economic Growth.
Alpna Jain Principal – Strategic Initiatives & Policy Advisory, , National Investment and Infrastructure Fund Limited (NIIFL) Alpna has about 20 years of diverse experience in various facets of policy formulation, transaction due diligence and structuring in infrastructure sector in India. Her experience includes work in the areas of Public Private Partnerships, investment due diligence, project finance and advising on policies related to infrastructure. She is a Principal at NIIF, which is a sovereign linked investment platform anchored by the Govt of India. Prior to joining NIIF, she was a Senior Specialist (PPP) at NITI Aayog. During her 3 year stint at NITI, as part of the PPP vertical, she worked on appraisal of PPPs, policy formulation for increasing private sector investments and developing GoI’s National Monetisation Pipeline. Prior to NITI, she has also worked at EY and IDFC Limited.
Erik Bloom Principal Evaluation Specialist, ADB Erik Bloom is a Principal Evaluation Specialist in the Independent Evaluation Development of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), where he evaluated ADB’s use of knowledge and on ADB’s support for COVID-19. From 2006 -17, he worked at the World Bank in the Latin America Human Development Department and in the Independent Evaluation Group He led an evaluation of the higher education sector and on human development projects. In 2000-06, he worked in ADB primarily in the health sector and the Economics Research Department. He has a PhD in Economics from Yale University and a BA from UC Davis.


名称 标题 Biography
Dr. Abinash Dash Director, DMEO, NITI Aayog

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation Comissioners Evaluation users Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism

