Measuring Transformational Change - Lessons from Climate Action

Webinar | Online

About the Event

Agulhas' panel will share their learning on measuring transformational change using several examples from Climate Action, discussing the entry points and enablers to supporting the measurement of ‘transformational change’.

We'll discuss ways in which entities monitor and measure signs of transformational change over time. We'll share lessons from providing tailored support and practical tools to build robust frameworks for monitoring and reporting transformational change for climate action globally. In our work with an international climate initiative, for example, we designed a portfolio level monitoring, evaluation, learning and uptake (MELU) framework including a KPI on transformational change, accompanied by a series of tools to support implementation and reporting against each KPI.


名称 标题 Biography
Gemma Norrington Davies Senior Manager and Agulhas Climate Hub lead Gemma leads the Agulhas Climate Hub, supporting climate action, a just transition, safer migration, and an improved humanitarian response. Gemma has led research and evaluations for a range of clients, including support for incorporating transformational change into evaluation processes.
Clarissa Lehne Partner Engagement Manager, NDC Partnership Clarissa is the Country Engagement Partner Engagement Manager for the NDC Partnership Support Unit. Clarissa works to deepen the Support Unit’s engagement with implementing and development partners to mobilize more coordinated technical and financial assistance in response to country needs.
Amanda Penistone Head of International Climate Finance Analysis at the UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) Amanda leads a large multidisciplinary analytical team providing analytical support throughout the lifecycle of UK International Climate Finance programmes, from assessing value for money of options, through monitoring results, to evaluating impacts.
Martin Prowse Evaluation Specialist in the Independent Evaluation Unit of the Green Climate Fund Martin has published widely in environmental and development journals and is an editor of the European Journal of Development Research. He supports the Independent Evaluation Unit’s evaluations, evidence reviews, impact evaluations and learning work.
Matthew Savage International expert on climate change policy, Itad Matt specialises in economics, finance, investment frameworks. political economy and institutional development. He supports the UNFCCC in the development of impact and results frameworks for the Green Climate Fund.

Topics and Themes

Evaluators Evaluation users Decision makers VOPEs / Evaluation networks Youth Civil Servant / Intl. Organization Employee Climate Change Evaluation and transformational change: balancing ambition and realism Participatory/ Community based/ Collaborative Evaluation

